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- Duchess - 07-21-2008

That would be America with a capital A...

- Cynical Ninja - 07-21-2008

Duchess Wrote:That would be America with a capital A...


Great Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>america.

- Middle Finger - 07-21-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:And the jealousy has begun ...
If I had even a hint of jealousy when I look at america and the meatheads who live there I would kill myself.
Well get the poison ready or whatever you would like because your posts have radiated jealousy of the Super Power that kicked and saved your ass many a time.

- Middle Finger - 07-21-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Duchess Wrote:OP...I never bashed the UK or you...And I don't intend to

Yeah you didn't but many did and I speak the way I'm spoken to.
Jesus, fucking cry some more ... ::vio::

- Cynical Ninja - 07-21-2008

Quote:And the jealousy has begun ...
If I had even a hint of jealousy when I look at america and the meatheads who live there I would kill myself.
Super Power that kicked and saved your ass many a time.

Polly want a cracker?

- Middle Finger - 07-21-2008

Yes, I will eat a cracker, if the benefit was your crying being put to an end. Crying metro sissy bitch, I'm serious ...

- Cynical Ninja - 07-21-2008

Middle Finger Wrote:Yes, I will eat a cracker, if the benefit was your crying being put to an end. Crying metro sissy bitch, I'm serious ...


Try using insults that don't all consist of variations of muslim, metro, queen, sissy (I stopped using this word when I was about 9 ! Smiley_emoticons_biggrin) and bitch.

Go and put your feet up, grab your bitch pillow between your waxed thighs put your well worn butt plug up your ass and read the dictionary to come up with something new and original.

Oh and your serious are you?.............


- Sinister - 07-21-2008

Quote:Try using insults that don't all consist of variations of muslim, metro, queen, sissy
Kinda like your boring and tiresome overuse of septic, eh? ::nuts::
Quote:Oh and your serious are you?.............
His serious? I think you mean you'RE serious, you infantile boob. Don't they teach grammar in the omnipotent Britain? Fuckin' retard.

- The Antagonist - 07-21-2008

And in the British Parliament news this week a discussin on the latest outbreak of knife crimes was discussed.

If I had not heard this with my own ears I would have been very skeptital that PM Brown could be this dumb but here we go...

Sunday nights on Cspan we broadcast the week in UK Parliament. Someone brought up the recent uprising in knife attacks and asked PM Brown how he's going to handle this and prevent it continuing in the future.

His answer is:

Make the accused knifer go to the hospital and visit knife wound victims. <<<<< great! NOW they'll feel bad and not want to do it again! ::blink::

Take the 110,000 "incorigible families" and make them sign a contract that they will behave themselves from now on. ::nuts::

Add more police officers to prevent the crime in knife crime neighborhoods.

and one more condition that will be being considered:

Another Labour party officer stood up and reminded everyone that he wants a ban on all glass vessels in drinking establishments because glass can be brokenand used as a knife. He wants only plastic polycarbonite containers used at these establishments. (way to go for the ecology!)

Drug users who are dependent on the government drug treatment programs (clean needles for dirty junkies) have doubled in the last year to 200,000.

Families exhibitin antisocial behaviours will be forced to sign contracts they will behave and start teaching their children to act proper in society. ::nuts::::lmao::

Parliament is now on summer vacation until October.

If you want to get a load of the Parliamentary system you can see it happen on Cspan on Sunday nights at 9 PM EDT and again it reruns at midnight.

- Middle Finger - 07-21-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Yes, I will eat a cracker, if the benefit was your crying being put to an end. Crying metro sissy bitch, I'm serious ...


Try using insults that don't all consist of variations of muslim, metro, queen, sissy (I stopped using this word when I was about 9 ! Smiley_emoticons_biggrin) and bitch.
Why? What you just said was perfect. Watch .. you muslim, metro, queen, sissy, bitch. If it wasn't so fucking perfect for you maybe I wouldn't use it as much. Did you ever think of that, you glorified wannabe foreign exchange student with gay porn and a sign that says "ban guns" under his flabby Queen-taxed arm? You muslim, metro, queen, sissy, bitch. ::finger::

- Duchess - 07-21-2008

I can see why you would not have believed it had you not heard it for yourself !