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BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Duchess - 04-27-2014

They are coming out of the woodwork!

I'm not a B-ball fan so I'm not familiar with these people. This guy has pissed off a significant number of people and apparently his bigotry has been known of for a long time but was still getting awards from the NAACP and others. WTF.

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his girlfriend that he doesn't want her to bring black people to his games or post pictures with black people on Instagram.

The tape begins in the middle of an argument between Sterling and his girlfriend, V. Stiviano. Sterling appears to be upset that Stiviano, who is black and Mexican, has been posting photos to Instagram of herself with black people -- in particular, with Magic Johnson.

"It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people," he is heard saying. "Do you have to?"

Stiviano says that all she did was take a picture with someone she admires. "I think the fact that you admire [Magic] -- I've known him well, and he should be admired," Sterling replies. "And I'm just saying
that it's too bad you can't admire him privately. And during your ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE, your whole life, admire him -- bring him here, feed him, fuck him, I don't care. You can do anything. But don't put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games. OK?"


(04-27-2014, 06:22 PM)Duchess Wrote:

They are coming out of the woodwork!

I'm not a B-ball fan so I'm not familiar with these people. This guy has pissed off a significant number of people and apparently his bigotry has been known of for a long time but was still getting awards from the NAACP and others. WTF.

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his girlfriend that he doesn't want her to bring black people to his games or post pictures with black people on Instagram.

The tape begins in the middle of an argument between Sterling and his girlfriend, V. Stiviano. Sterling appears to be upset that Stiviano, who is black and Mexican, has been posting photos to Instagram of herself with black people -- in particular, with Magic Johnson.

"It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people," he is heard saying. "Do you have to?"

Stiviano says that all she did was take a picture with someone she admires. "I think the fact that you admire [Magic] -- I've known him well, and he should be admired," Sterling replies. "And I'm just saying
that it's too bad you can't admire him privately. And during your ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE, your whole life, admire him -- bring him here, feed him, fuck him, I don't care. You can do anything. But don't put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games. OK?"

Yep...He's a piece of shit.

I kinda liked what Snoop had to say about it.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - ramseycat - 04-27-2014

That was awesome. I love Snoop.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-27-2014

Baron Davis was right about Sterling; I understand why he didn't want to play for the man.

I think most basketball fans in Los Angeles probably aren't surprised at all. Sterling's always been a dick; he was sued for refusing to rent to blacks and latinos many years back too.

Anyway, I wonder how TMZ got a hold of that racist rant; if the half black / half Mexican "girlfriend" who looks half his age gave it to them and how/why that all transpired? Betting some salacious details will come out soon enough and this story won't fade away quickly.

So...Sterling is claiming that those aren't his real sentiments and what he said isn't reflective of how he lives his life. No matter how he came to be exposed in this incident, those words came outta his mouth and they were his thoughts -- there's no backpedaling outta that unambiguous pile of vile shit that he spewed.

Doc Rivers is a pro and Chris Paul is a great player. Too bad they're playing tonight under Sterling's dark cloud, but I don't think they'll let it affect their game. Hoping the crowds don't desert The Clippers because of Sterling -- the coach and the players shouldn't suffer because the owner is a hateful dipshit.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Duchess - 04-27-2014

When the team went onto the court to warmup they had their shirts turned inside out so the team name couldn't be seen.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-27-2014

(04-27-2014, 09:13 PM)Duchess Wrote: When the team went onto the court to warmup they had their shirts turned inside out so the team name couldn't be seen.

Tough spot for the players to be in, no doubt.

So, I just read the LA Times. Sterling is a dipshit in more ways than one.

I'd bet anything that the woman on the audio, V. Stiviano, leaked that audio. Seems she's the defendant in a lawsuit filed by Mrs. Sterling in attempt to get back a fuckload of money that Sterling gave to his mistress Stiviano (one of several aliases) -- including a Ferrari and a $1.8 million condo.

If the claims in the lawsuit are true, looks like Stiviano (pictured below with Sterling) really milked the hateful bastard. Mrs. Sterling says the money was community property and he didn't have her consent to spend it on the "gold-digger".

[Image: 600]

I'm sure V. really loved him with all of her heart and the money meant nothing to her; she only refuses to return the gifts because they have sentimental value. Awink

The tawdry back-story:,0,6819008.story?page=2#axzz3092tFQeb

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Duchess - 04-28-2014

(04-27-2014, 09:09 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Hoping the crowds don't desert The Clippers because of Sterling -- the coach and the players shouldn't suffer because the owner is a hateful dipshit.

This seems to be the common train of thought from everyone I've seen comment.

The Commissioner has a decision to make and it better be the right one. I don't know what the answer is but Sterling employs a shit ton of black people and there are those that want him to step down, even his own family has spoken out against this and stated they don't share his point of view.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Maggot - 04-28-2014

I'm glad the president made a statement from Malaysia about this race war going on. I hope Steven Utash is doing OK after his beating.

He should be OK though he is getting a humanitarian award from the NAACP in Los Angeles for their 100th anniversary.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-28-2014

I wonder if Rochelle Sterling (pic below) wants the team transferred into her name?

[Image: 227932-0-600.jpg]

My wheels are spinning and I could be totally off-base, but it looks to me like Donald Sterling might be the target of a squeeze play. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, if so.

Rochelle Sterling takes legal action to get back "gifts" that her husband gave a mistress. Why? The Sterlings are dripping money. Why would she take legal action and make it a matter of public record that her husband is such a sucker over what's a drop in the bucket to the Sterlings?

And, why would Rochelle think that the mistress should give the money and gifts back and that a court of law would compel V. to return them? If Sterling gave them to V. willingly and without her promising something she didn't give in return, I think she's probably gonna get to keep the Ferrari, the Bentleys, the condo... Rochelle is a smart woman -- I wonder if her motive for filing that suit had very little to do with what Donald gave V. and more to do with pushing Donald to give her the Clippers?

Anyway, I don't know what the Commissioner should do either, but they need to have a buyer before they could consider forcing him to sell and even a historically lesser-successful team like the Clippers don't come cheap.

I will not be surprised if the solution is to have Rochelle Sterling legally made the owner of the team and Donald Sterling a silent partner, or something of the sort. Rochelle is very active with the Clippers. She went to the game last night, told reporters that she's not a racist a few times, and stated that the Clippers mean everything to her family.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Midwest Spy - 04-28-2014

I'm interested in this from the 'Jewish Club' angle.

IMO, Jews are about as racist as a race can be, though we all are to a certain extent.

Sterling is Jewish. NBA Commish Adam Silver is too. David Stern? Yep, you guessed it.

What will they do and really, what CAN they do to this guy?

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-28-2014

(04-28-2014, 11:07 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I'm interested in this from the 'Jewish Club' angle.

IMO, Jews are about as racist as a race can be, though we all are to a certain extent.

Sterling is Jewish. NBA Commish Adam Silver is too. David Stern? Yep, you guessed it.

What will they do and really, what CAN they do to this guy?

I don't think what Silver, as NBA Commissioner, can do to Sterling has anything to do with Silver, Sterling, and retired commissioner Stern all being Jewish.

Silver's supposed to announce his decision on what the league will do about Sterling-gate tomorrow. Much of what's in the Owners' Group bylaws is not public knowledge, but there is almost certainly a clause about retribution for owner misconduct that reflects negatively on the league and its players.

I don't think Sterling can be ousted, though -- but I don't know that for sure. IMO, that wouldn't be one of the possible disciplinary actions. I think ousting or forced sell would only be options in the case of illegal owner conduct. Being a racist and a philanderer wouldn't qualify -- being such a complete asshole isn't against the law (if it were, the prisons would be even more overcrowded).

I'm betting on a large financial penalty and maybe a 6 month suspension, plus a whole lotta condemnation of Sterling by the "Jewish Club" members. Stern is most certainly advising his protegee Silver on damage control strategies and the pros and cons of each, IMO. And, there are certainly dollar signs in those equations.

I wish Sterling would just retire and sell to Magic or something classy like that, but don't think he'll leave on his own accord.

Guess we'll find out tomorrow.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Duchess - 04-29-2014

I'm not defending the bigot, I want to be clear on that - I'm not going to like people being punished because others don't like what they hear.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-29-2014

(04-29-2014, 05:36 AM)Duchess Wrote: I'm not defending the bigot, I want to be clear on that - I'm not going to like people being punished because others don't like what they hear.

I don't like that either. But, in this case, I understand it and think it makes sense.

What Sterling said (which never should have been heard in the first place, and only was because of unrelated poor judgment) affects his ability to manage his business and his employees and hurts the league. He's part of a franchise and there are always contractual requirements on owners of franchises. It won't go away and needs to be addressed.

He's talked shit about women and is an asshole in that regard, too. Nobody cares much about that IMO because he's not managing a bunch of women so his sleaziness doesn't impact the business directly. Were he the owner of a WNBA team, on the other hand, he might be facing punishment for those comments and conduct.

Anyway, the Clippers have already lost major sponsors (I wish those companies had thought about the team and not only the owner before pulling out). Players don't wanna work for the man. Other owners consider him an embarrassment, etc... He's chosen to be in a position of leadership and in the public eye, so he's facing the same kind of industry and public-demanded "punishment" as Mel Gibson, Jim Bakker, and so many others.

I'm anxious for Silver's press conference today. The business and strategic crisis-management aspects of this whole fiasco are the most interesting part of this story, to me.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-29-2014


[Image: img15774262.jpg]
Adam Silver, NBA Commissioner

I'm listening to the press conference now.

Silver has announced that Donald Sterling is suspended for life. That means that he may not attend games, practices, or Clippers facilities. He may also not attend Board of Governors meetings.

Sterling was also fined USD $2.5 million, which will be donated to organizations promoting anti-discrimination.

Sterling's wife and his son-in-law are still in the management of the team.

Silver also announced that he will urge the Board of Governors to force a sell of the team.

I read yesterday that when Sterling bought the team over 30 years ago, he paid USD $12million. It's now worth USD $575million. So, if he is forced to sell, even if there's some devaluation associated with this incident and the recent sponsor pull-outs, Sterling will make a huge profit from his long term investment (no one can take that away, nor should they be able to - IMO).

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Duchess - 04-29-2014

(04-29-2014, 02:37 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Silver has announced that Donald Sterling is suspended for life.

Holy cow! I am shocked! I understand it. I understand every single thing behind it but I am floored.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - ramseycat - 04-29-2014

Have any of you listened to the whole tape? I think this guy is an asshole. But that GF was clearly baiting him. She was trying to get him to say he hates minorities. I totally believe she released the tape. How else would it have gotten out? And why wound she record him anyway? The whole situation stinks.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - Duchess - 04-29-2014

(04-29-2014, 02:44 PM)ramseycat Wrote: I totally believe she released the tape.

So do many others.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - ramseycat - 04-29-2014

It's ridiculous. The man made comments in a private conversation taped without his knowledge. I think he is a racist asshole but this thing has been blown out of the water. This is a set up by the GF in retaliation for the ex-wife suing her. She IS a gold digger. I don't think she should be sued though. Sterling knows what he's doing with her. He's a racist. She's a gold digger. And the ex is a pissed off dumped ex wife. However, all of this has nothing to do with basketball. And there are far more important things going on in this world than this crap. How about where's the damn plane? Or what about the people killed in the tornados? Or who lost their homes? Or the people shot at the Fed Ex place? WHY are we giving this nonsense so much attention?

(As I just typed a whole novel about it. Sigh..)

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - HairOfTheDog - 04-29-2014

It's news, ramsey.

And, racism is a controversial hot-button topic that attracts attention -- as do sports shake-ups to those of us who are fans and interested in the business and legal framework surrounding professional franchises.

Scorned wives and mistresses and their actions with high profile players attract the interest of some as well. This story has that too -- a cherry on top for some readers/viewers.

There's as much media surrounding Princess Kate's vacation pics and basic parenting style, along with Kim Kardashian's ass, as there is surrounding this story. I personally don't care a bit about Kate's moves or Kim's shakes, but it doesn't incense me that others do and they get a ton of media coverage -- for years on end.

Meh. There's room for all kinds of "news" and you only have to read and ponder what interests you.

RE: BIGOTED NBA OWNER - ramseycat - 04-29-2014

You're right HOTD. I'm just annoyed that afternoon shows were interrupted with "breaking news" about this cracker. But that is my issue. I'm sure plenty of people were anxiously waiting for Silver's ruling.