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Common core testing - Maggot - 03-06-2015

I have filed out the forms to let my kids opt out of the common core testing that will be starting soon. The tests do not mean a thing but does have some very difficult questions. Its an information sweep basically. That is all.

RE: Common core testing - username - 03-06-2015

I should know more about it (maybe I can look it up during my travels) but California implemented common core and the general sense I get is that it's a giant pain in the ass.

I've talked to a guy who tutors calculus and stuff (he's helping my son with geometry) and he's having to re-learn the entire subject so he can teach it using the new, common core standards. He referred to it as "wordy" if I recall correctly.

RE: Common core testing - Donovan - 03-06-2015

I'd use a different word: horrible. The new systems are so convoluted and unworkable they make an absolute mess of simple concepts like addition and subtraction. This is what happens when politicians are allowed to dictate education. An awful lot of words used explain not one goddamn thing.

RE: Common core testing - FAHQTOO - 03-06-2015

Common core sucks. My niece put a math problem on FB and I had no fucking clue at all how to solve it and neither did anyone else.
I don't understand the point of changing how math has been done for hundreds of years.

RE: Common core testing - Carsman - 03-06-2015

(03-06-2015, 12:16 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: Common core sucks. My niece put a math problem on FB and I had no fucking clue at all how to solve it and neither did anyone else.
I don't understand the point of changing how math has been done for hundreds of years.

Blame the big "O", he promised change! hah

RE: Common core testing - sally - 03-06-2015

I knew it wouldn't be long until someone blamed Obama. Didn't George Bush start the whole mess with his stupid NCLB?

RE: Common core testing - Maggot - 03-06-2015

(03-06-2015, 12:31 PM)sally Wrote: I knew it wouldn't be long until someone blamed Obama. Didn't George Bush start the whole mess with his stupid NCLB?

A group of eggheads created it after playing a 72 hr marathon game of "Dungeons & Dragons" They were known as "The Governors council"

RE: Common core testing - Maggot - 03-06-2015

Taking the common core tests are not a requirement for passing any grade.

RE: Common core testing - Maggot - 03-06-2015

(03-06-2015, 11:32 AM)username Wrote: I should know more about it (maybe I can look it up during my travels) but California implemented common core and the general sense I get is that it's a giant pain in the ass.

I've talked to a guy who tutors calculus and stuff (he's helping my son with geometry) and he's having to re-learn the entire subject so he can teach it using the new, common core standards. He referred to it as "wordy" if I recall correctly.

Welcome to 2015............

RE: Common core testing - username - 03-06-2015

(03-06-2015, 12:16 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: Common core sucks. My niece put a math problem on FB and I had no fucking clue at all how to solve it and neither did anyone else.
I don't understand the point of changing how math has been done for hundreds of years.

Yeah, I've heard my husband cussing about it too. There are/were a lot of faster "short cuts" to solve problems in the olden days but now, the "work" needs to be shown to meet certain requirements. It's not enough to solve the problem correctly; you have to get there "just so".

ETA: My son has "failed" numerous test problems for that very reason. He gets the right answer but the work is wrong so they mark the whole problem wrong. Stupid.

RE: Common core testing - Carsman - 03-07-2015

Towards the end of his reign, only liked "B" somewhat, never liked "O" to begin with, now, after all the crapola "O" has spewed, & continues to do, he S/B (should have been) impeached! IMO.

RE: Common core testing - Maggot - 03-08-2015

(03-07-2015, 08:15 PM)Carsman Wrote: Towards the end of his reign, only liked "B" somewhat, never liked "O" to begin with, now, after all the crapola "O" has spewed, & continues to do, he S/B (should have been) impeached! IMO.

Please be specific on how he ruined the country and became the first United states King since the revolutionary war. You may be the first to fill an entire page with one answer. hah

RE: Common core testing - Duchess - 03-09-2015

Starting with even five examples would be good.

RE: Common core testing - Donovan - 03-09-2015

I suspect the first line would be, "The sheriff is a Ni-!" Most of the bitching in this particular President's term seems to carefully avoid and yet somehow circle endlessly around that one non-essential point. Wonder how Hillary will fare as the First female Prez.

RE: Common core testing - Maggot - 03-09-2015

The first thing liberals say about anyone that bitches about the Prez is that their racist. But I prefer to go by a mans integrity and not his skin color as MLK said.

RE: Common core testing - Donovan - 03-09-2015

Which brings us back to the list of horrible acts the president supposedly perpetrated and yet has not been produced. To be blunt, most of the anti Obama rhetoric is distinctly racist. I've seen it. You make the mistake, however, of thinking I'm somehow offended by proxy or that my liberal skin is thinned by years of perpetual handwringing: I read history. Obama is not the first or last president to be horribly eviscerated by the opposition press. I think the only President ever to get a pass in that regard is currently pictured on the dollar bill. The rest of them, even the ones deified by untimely death, were absolutely scorched by their opposition. Hell, your own attempt at afro-credibility MLK was trashed regularly while he lived and after.

My point is that Obama ' s detractors are race-based because they can:it's easy. Skin color is Low hanging fruit. Just like Reagan ' s acting past, Bush's obvious mental retardation, and eventually Hillary ' s vagina.

But for all of the rhetoric, Obama didn't destroy anything, he legitimately set out to help the poorest of his nation as promised, and overall did a respectable job in an office I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy at this point. So the man's record doesn't seem broken. But the complaints definitely are a broken record.

RE: Common core testing - FAHQTOO - 03-09-2015

(03-09-2015, 09:53 AM)Maggot Wrote: The first thing liberals say about anyone that bitches about the Prez is that their racist. But I prefer to go by a mans integrity and not his skin color as MLK said.

That's because they have nothing else to go by.
I hate Hillary just as much and the last I saw, she was white. Let's sit back and watch them all make excuses for her current e-mail scandal. They'll say she gave them all up, but in reality, she released only the ones that make her look good. She could be facing felony charges and I bet there's not one lib out there that will turn their back on her. All these assholes seem to be above the law and untouchable.

RE: Common core testing - Maggot - 03-09-2015

*sigh* Ok, here we go JO-Jo................

In 4 yrs Mr. president has...........

Produced an anemic recovery. Economic growth and job gains have been slower than in almost every other recovery on record. Had this rebound merely matched the post-World War II average, 8 million more people would have jobs and the GDP would be $1.2 trillion bigger. Since the recovery began, real GDP has expanded 7.2% vs. an average at this point since World War II of 15.8%. Put another way, since the start of the recovery, real GDP per person — a measure both of productivity and standard of living — has fallen an unprecedented 1.5%.

Created a large pool of unemployed. Official figures vastly underestimate the severity of joblessness on Obama's watch. Millions have given up looking for work, for example, and don't get counted as unemployed. Between January 2009 and September 2012, the number of people who aren't in the labor force shot up 8.2 million, while the number of employed rose just 787,000. Unemployment today is 7.9% — higher than when Obama entered office.

Vastly expanded the disability rolls. As job prospects diminished, millions of workers applied for federal disability benefits and more than 3.8 million were approved. Today, a record 8.3 million workers are on disability. The result is millions of workers who are likely never to return to the workforce, and billions of dollars in new Social Security and Medicare costs.

Created a food stamp nation. In less than four years, the number of people receiving food stamps has shot up by 15 million. Today, almost one in six Americans is on food stamps. The lousy economy is one reason, but the Obama administration has also pushed to get more people enrolled

Massively increased regulations. The federal regulatory state is one of country's few growth industries under this administration, with increases in federal spending and regulatory jobs far outpacing the private sector. A Heritage Foundation analysis found that in his first three years, President Obama imposed nearly four times as many new rules as Bush did in his first three, with a combined annual price tag of $46 billion. In a second term, Obama's agenda could add $128 billion to a regulatory burden that now weighs in at $1.8 trillion.

Hammered the middle class. Median household incomes have dropped 8%, more than during the recession that was ending when Obama took over. From his inauguration to the end of last year, real median household incomes fell 4.7% to $50,054. Only the top 20% have seen gains; every other income group lost ground.

Created business uncertainty. In an interview with the Des Moines Register, the president noted businesses are sitting on huge amounts of cash. And indeed, companies have a record $1.5 trillion in liquid assets. Obama said his policies will help unlock this cash if he gets a second term, but they are what have kept this money bottled up due to uncertainty about taxes, regulations and health costs — not to mention "you didn't build that."

In a recent poll by the National Association of Manufacturers and National Federation of Independent Business, 55% of businesses said they would not have started up in today's economy, and 69% said the current president's policies have hurt their business.

Not lived up to the promises of transparency. The Washington Post, typically a reliable ally of the president, reported that "new evidence suggests that administration officials have struggled to overturn the long-standing culture of secrecy in Washington." Benghazi and Fast and Furious stand out among many other secrets the administration is keeping to itself.

Increased the debt by 50%. When President Obama was a candidate, he promised he would halve the deficit by the end of his first term. Yet every budget since he's been in office has had a larger deficit than the year before and the debt, $10.6 trillion when took office, now exceeds $16 trillion. Rather than cut the deficit by 50%, he's increased the debt by that much. Worse, the long-term liabilities we owe are exploding — by one estimated, we now owe $76 trillion more than we'll take in over the next half century or so. We're on the path to potential insolvency, the magnitude of which the world has never seen.

Pushed ObamaCare. This is the most costly legislation ever, and surely one of the least popular, with over half of Americans saying they don't like it. It will cost as much as $1.5 trillion over the next decade, while imposing new taxes on business and robbing $714 billion from Medicare to pay for it all.

Driven up health care premiums. President Obama said he would "bend the cost-curve down." His reforms would cut the premium for the average family by $2,500 a year, he said, but ObamaCare has done the opposite — costing an extra $2,400, a bigger jump in the last four years than in the previous four under George W. Bush. Health care spending is up an average of $4,500 per individual, reports the Health Care Cost Institute.

Left minorities worse off. ObamaCare threatens thousands of entry-level jobs, as small businesses and big restaurant chains like McDonald's, Red Lobster, Olive Garden and Denny's plan to eliminate full-time positions to avoid the new mandates. Real household incomes for both blacks (down 2%) and Hispanics (off 1.6%) have fallen, while their unemployment rates are up. Joblessness among black youth approaches 30%.

Doubled down on the housing debacle. The Dodd-Frank financial reforms have damaged the U.S. economy by wrongly blaming Wall Street for the financial crisis. It was in fact caused by federal housing policies, starting with President Clinton and leading to Obama, with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out front.

The two GSEs used a near-limitless supply of government-supported funding to push banks into lending to poor households, which couldn't pay the loans back.

This was the start of the crisis. In 2007, Fannie and Freddie held or originated roughly $7 trillion of the $13 trillion in U.S. mortgages. Today, nearly 90% of all new mortgage activity is backed by the bankrupt giants, who have already cost U.S. taxpayers $160 billion and may end up costing $500 billion. Fannie and Freddie are still unreformed and unprivatized.

Exploded spending and the deficit. Deficits have surged despite the president's pledge of a "new era of responsibility." This didn't happen because of "Bush tax cuts." No reputable study claims those cuts caused our trillion-dollar-plus deficits, which have added $5 trillion in debt in just four years. It was excessive spending.

Watched college costs surge. The talk was about making tuition more affordable for all. Tuition at four-year public colleges grew by 72% above inflation in the past decade, to an average of $8,244 last year, according to the College Board. Total student debt today is $1 trillion — more than $24,000 per graduate. The trend hasn't slowed under the president.

Meanwhile, 50% of those who have graduated either can't find a job or are working in one that doesn't require a degree — a waste of a generation's skills, talent and training unmatched since the Great Depression.

Dragged his feet on free trade. President Bush signed off on 17 new trade pacts, but President Obama has failed to sign any new agreements on his own watch. Meanwhile, China and the European Union have respectively signed or negotiated 19 and 25, winning new markets. Some 511 trade deals have been done around the world since 2007.

Should I go on?
And you are right, every President is vilified. But I don't think any have sealed their college or school records the day after they became president. A mans actions can be seen even through rose colored steamy glasses. an inexperienced Pup, in way above his head using the veto as a child uses a tantrum to get his way. How many veto's has he declared? You can surely look that up and compare it with any other president for sure.

RE: Common core testing - HairOfTheDog - 03-09-2015

I read that article you cut and pasted like 4 years ago in Forbes or Business Week or one of the financial mags, Mags.

Some of the conditions and numbers cited in it have since changed.

Anyway, I don't think everyone who strongly disapproves of Obama or dislikes him as a person is racist. Some are, I'm sure. Some will have a built in bias against the first female president too, I'm sure.

But, it's my perception that the majority of Obama-bashers are extremely conservative and would feel much the same way about him if he were white.

RE: Common core testing - Blindgreed1 - 03-09-2015

You left off my personal favorite Maggs. Border security, which to most who don't live near the border doesn't seem to matter because "you can't see it from my house." But rececently a memo came out stating that BP agents do not have the authority to detain impaired drivers if they are illegal aliens. Nearly all of the illegal aliens down here drive without insurance too.