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There are those who are using images of a dead toddler who washed ashore as a way to shame countries into letting people who are fleeing violence into their countries. Is this a legit way to get some help or have they gone too far?

I've seen the pix. He looks to be about 2-3 yrs. old and he's face down on the shoreline.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - aussiefriend - 09-05-2015

It's working. That's all they are talking about on CNN.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Duchess - 09-05-2015

It worked on me.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Clang McFly - 09-05-2015

Not me. For all I know the kid could be taking a nap, and/or snacking on some sand.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - username - 09-05-2015

Wayyyy above my pay grade.

I hear stories about these masses of people leaving assorted countries by boat and truck with people dying left and right. I don't know what the countries that these people are fleeing to ought to do (what obligations they have to assist all these people seeking help).

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - sally - 09-05-2015

It didn't work on Hungary, the refugees are saying it's worse there then where they came from. They don't want Muslims in their country for one second and if you don't speak Hungarian, Slovak or Romanian then good luck.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Duchess - 09-05-2015

I was pissed when I inadvertently saw that dead child face down in the sand :(

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Carsman - 09-05-2015

Illegal's come in all sizes.

Many times it doesn't end well for them, no matter what their age.


Let the UAE or Saudi take care of their own, no reason for the rest of the world to have to deal with their trash

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Maggot - 09-05-2015

The parents put that child in danger.

When Germany falls Europe falls with it.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Donovan - 09-05-2015

There are thousands of other dead children who were trying to flee danger only to find themselves in worse danger, this one just got to die in the right place to have a picture of it. It needs to be talked about. How is it any different than our GOP candidates vilifying and deporting people for the misfortune of being born poor, brown and in the wrong side of the safety fence? Think they're going back to a pool party?

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Donovan - 09-05-2015

Human beings. They are called human beings. Not illegals, not trash. The callousness represented directly above my posts ought to be a source of great personal shame for those who typed it. But it isn't. Interesting it came from some of the same people professing love for Jesus. Apparently Middle Eastern people are more loved and mourned when they've been dead a couple thousand years instead of just a few days or weeks.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Carsman - 09-06-2015

There are some that are more righteous then others. It's a tough world, sometimes you gotta be tough to live in it.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Duchess - 09-06-2015

Those parents don't want anything more for their kids than some of you want for yours. They want a safe place to live and they are risking and losing their lives trying to get that.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - pyropappy - 09-06-2015

(09-05-2015, 11:38 PM)Donovan Wrote: Human beings. They are called human beings. Not illegals, not trash. The callousness represented directly above my posts ought to be a source of great personal shame for those who typed it. But it isn't. Interesting it came from some of the same people professing love for Jesus. Apparently Middle Eastern people are more loved and mourned when they've been dead a couple thousand years instead of just a few days or weeks.

I am glad you feel that way; I could not agree more.

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RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Duchess - 09-06-2015

(09-05-2015, 11:38 PM)Donovan Wrote: Interesting it came from some of the same people professing love for Jesus.

Most Jesus lovers are some of the most intolerant, callus people I've ever encountered in my life.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - HairOfTheDog - 09-06-2015

(09-05-2015, 04:01 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Let the UAE or Saudi take care of their own, no reason for the rest of the world to have to deal with their trash

Like Donovan, I certainly don't view families fleeing a war-torn country where their survival is in constant jeopardy as "trash".

While Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon have taken in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees for years now, I agree with you that some of the Gulf States ought to be ashamed; they have as much or more obligation to help refugee Syrians as European and other Western countries.

Yeah, I'm looking at you Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE. You too, Iran -- you support Assad fully, so help take care of the endangered citizens fleeing the country he still rules. These countries have very restrictive immigration policies which are based almost exclusively on employment need (much like what some loud voices in America and Europe are pushing for in terms of immigration policy).

Anyway, in my opinion, all of the Gulf States should look beyond money (and religious affiliations) and step up to the humanitarian plate in this case.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - HairOfTheDog - 09-06-2015

To answer the OP question, I don't think showing photos of dead/hungry/enslaved...children and adults is going too far, whether it invokes shame or not. It's the reality of the situation; it's news.

[Image: _85329681_saudi_cartoon.jpg]
Translation: 'Why don't you let them in you discourteous people?'

^ That appeared very recently in a Saudi paper.

Based on social media posts and Middle East (ME) editorials, there are a lot of people in the ME who see the irony in Gulf leaders encouraging Western countries (ones they sometimes refer to as 'infidels') to open their doors to Syrian refugees when those Gulf leaders themselves have not.

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Duchess - 09-06-2015

I feel so sorry for those people who want nothing more than to be safe and I've been moved to tears by some of the stories like the dead baby on the beach and the father crying in horror with his wife and child after discovering he was being sent to a camp. I'd give that family a home if I could, not kidding. Their fear & desperation hurts my heart :(

RE: USING THE DEAD TO SHAME - Jimbone - 09-06-2015

This is against the backdrop of an already fed-up European population. They're all struggling with serious financial difficulties, and the influx of immigrants is taxing their already stressed socialized systems. There is a growing anti-Muslim sentiment rising on the continent because of this, as well as the rise of those ISIS assholes. When push comes to shove, most of these countries have no interest in giving up their culture to immigrant populations that have no real interest in assimilating. It's going to get much worse as more and more refugees flee.

This is the sort of shit that cause really bad things to happen.