White supremecists are idiots - Printable Version

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- AnonyMoose - 12-16-2008

Here is one that named his kids Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation; and then is surprised that nobody wants to make him a birthday cake with that on it. Skinheads are morons.

Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied
2 hours ago


- ihatefucktards - 12-17-2008

I read that last night. That poor kid.

- Maggot - 12-17-2008

Bitch!........make your own fuckin stupid cake.::vio::

- ramseycat - 12-17-2008

Why would a parent do that to their child??? That poor kid is going to get shit on his entire life. Or at least unti he is 18 and can legally change his name.

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

Racism and stupidity nearly always walk hand in hand.

Also keep in mind that Sinister counts morons like this with the same attitude and ideology as "friends".

- Sinister - 12-17-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Also keep in mind that Sinister counts morons like this with the same attitude and ideology as "friends".

Is Mock caught up in some bizarre time warp that takes some of you idiots into the past? This is the third time in 24 hours I've seen someone drag out an old, tired, moldy attempt at humour.

Not that I intend to argue with the twit Poophole about this, but I will reiterate; I do not know a single skinhead and if I ever met one, I'd like to take a baseball bat to his empty head. They should get as good as they give. M'kay? ::finger::
Quote:Why would a parent do that to their child???

Good question. An apparently psychotic one, I'd have to assume.

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

In the past you have admitted you know people who you call friends that have racist, white supremacist, or neo Nazi views. Are you now trying to say this is not the case?, are you backtracking after realising what a damaging and embarrassing admission it was?

You say you don't know any "skinheads", does this just mean you only know racist people with a full head of hair?

- Sinister - 12-17-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:In the past you have admitted you know people who you call friends that have racist, white supremacist, or neo Nazi views. Are you now trying to say this is not the case?, are you backtracking after realising what a damaging and embarrassing admission it was?

You say you don't know any "skinheads", does this just mean you only know racist people with a full head of hair?

Of course I have friends that are racist. To some degree, everyone is racist. I know people who have white supremacy views and that topic does not get discussed around me because I don't agree with it. A person's stance on things like this does not mean I will discount them out of hand just because of what they think.

I don't know what "Neo-nazi" views are, really. Does this mean like those sick fucks who think Hitler is some sort of demigod? Anyone around me who claimed to be a fan of Hitler would find themselves unwelcome in a rather unfriendly, yet unmistakable way.

If any of the people I know are skinheads, they have chosen not to share that info with me. Usually they are covered in tattooes that give them away like the lightning bolts, the 88 etc. Don't try to make it seem like I'm trying to hide something, shithead. I have no reason to hide anything and nothing to fear from any pussy on this board either way. What the fuck do I care what you people think of me?

This sort of thing just doesn't come up that often among my friends. We have better things to talk about. Why are you so obsessed with it? Guilty conscience? Or just a pitiful attempt to make me look like something I am not?

- ramseycat - 12-17-2008

Goddammit! I love it when Sinister spanks the shit outta Poophole!!

It totally makes my day.

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

ramseycat Wrote:Goddammit! I love it when Sinister spanks the shit outta Poophole!!

It totally makes my day.

Hush child, the grown ups are talking.

Witness with awe in respectful silence. You have no right to comment or criticise here newbietard, go cheerleading for someone who cares or needs it.

- Sinister - 12-17-2008

ramseycat Wrote:Goddammit! I love it when Sinister spanks the shit outta Poophole!!

It totally makes my day.
I am here to serve. ::bigg::

- ramseycat - 12-17-2008

shut it POOPFACE!!! You just don't like it pointed out that you got a spankin from Sin. hahahhaaaaa

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

Sinister Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:In the past you have admitted you know people who you call friends that have racist, white supremacist, or neo Nazi views. Are you now trying to say this is not the case?, are you backtracking after realising what a damaging and embarrassing admission it was?

You say you don't know any "skinheads", does this just mean you only know racist people with a full head of hair?
Of course I have friends that are racist. To some degree, everyone is racist. I know people who have white supremacy views and that topic does not get discussed around me because I don't agree with it. A person's stance on things like this does not mean I will discount them out of hand just because of what they think.

I don't know what "Neo-nazi" views are, really. Does this mean like those sick fucks who think Hitler is some sort of demigod? Anyone around me who claimed to be a fan of Hitler would find themselves unwelcome in a rather unfriendly, yet unmistakable way.

If any of the people I know are skinheads, they have chosen not to share that info with me. Usually they are covered in tattooes that give them away like the lightning bolts, the 88 etc. Don't try to make it seem like I'm trying to hide something, shithead. I have no reason to hide anything and nothing to fear from any pussy on this board either way. What the fuck do I care what you people think of me?

This sort of thing just doesn't come up that often among my friends. We have better things to talk about. Why are you so obsessed with it? Guilty conscience? Or just a pitiful attempt to make me look like something I am not?

Are there any limits to this glib acceptance of the negative side of the personality of people you know?, how about murderers, junkies, muggers?, none of your business and who are you to judge right?, how about kiddy fiddlers?, lets see a league table of things the biker bitch is willing to overlook as long as you are a biker.

Oh and FYI anyone with "lightning bolts" (N.B - they aren't lightning bolts they are the sig rune use by Hitlers SS, they have no other meaning) tattooed on them? they are by definition neo-nazi sympathizers. Anyone that displays with pride the insignia of an ayran supermacist world war two killing machine is Nazi sympathizer scum, ask them to show these tattooes to allied WW2 veterans to see how "acceptable" they are and if they willing to "overlook" them. Chances are most WW2 allied vets would say "why are you wearing the symbol of the scum I fought against in the war you idiot" before punching them in the face.

If I met somone and they had Nazi symbols tattooed on them I would tell them to fuck off and blank them completely, this is because I am a normal rational human being mindful of the sacrifices made during WW2 to beat scumbags with the same ideology. Everytime you associate with and talk to a meathead with Nazi tattoos a dead WW2 veteran turns in his grave you stupid bitch.

Don't try to hide it or try and deflect attention away from the scumbag company you keep.

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

ramseycat Wrote:shut it POOPFACE!!! You just don't like it pointed out that you got a spankin from Sin. hahahhaaaaa
As you can see from my response below I have just bitchslapped biker biker yet again, she has so many scars and welts from me bitchslapping her she looks like the elephant man.

Now go and crawl back into your fucking hole newbietard.

- Sinister - 12-17-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Don't try to hide it or try and deflect attention away from the scumbag company you keep.

For the last time, dimbulb; I don't feel the need to hide anything from anyone on this board or any other, or from anyone in real life. You know nothing of the company I keep and are obviously still pissed off about the bitch slap knock-outyou got from one of my friends. Get over it; life goes on.

Now you're boring me, so I'm off to talk to Dutch. :Yawn:

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

Sinister Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Don't try to hide it or try and deflect attention away from the scumbag company you keep.
For the last time, dimbulb; I don't feel the need to hide anything from anyone on this board or any other, or from anyone in real life. You know nothing of the company I keep and are obviously still pissed off about the bitch slap knock-outyou got from one of my friends. Get over it; life goes on.

Now you're boring me, so I'm off to talk to Dutch. :Yawn:
"Bitch slap knockout"?!

Fucking hell you are obviously on the pipe again dopehead.


- ihatefucktards - 12-17-2008

Next kid i don't have I am naming the cooter brown.

- ramseycat - 12-17-2008

Nope. I don't see any marks on Sinister. I do however see the welts on your lilly white stretched marked ass from where she smacked you but good!!

- newbiecollector - 12-17-2008

Poophole wrote............
Quote:If I met somone and they had Nazi symbols tattooed on them I would tell them to fuck off and blank them completely, this is because I am a normal rational human being mindful of the sacrifices made during WW2 to beat scumbags with the same ideology.
And this from a queen that is hiding in his bed with signs to keep women away::lmao::

- Cynical Ninja - 12-17-2008

newbiecollector Wrote:Poophole wrote............
Quote:If I met somone and they had Nazi symbols tattooed on them I would tell them to fuck off and blank them completely, this is because I am a normal rational human being mindful of the sacrifices made during WW2 to beat scumbags with the same ideology.
And this from a queen that is hiding in his bed with signs to keep women away::lmao::

Well spotted, I also find the sight of a grown man hiding behind a pillow fort with a sign saying "no girls allowed" amusing, thats I chose it you autistic tit.

My avatar by the way is from a "cartoon", a cartoon is a series of sequential drawings joined together to create the illusion of movement.