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Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

Lets see a couple of things we've talked about in the members photo section holds true.

1st test, I'm gonna post a pic from my photobucket account that is marked I want to see if anyone can browse the whole folder, as ImaDick claims. I'll wait a bit (maybe till tomorrow morning, so theres time for comments), then I'll delete the pic I posted in this post, to see if it still remains.

[Image: DSC00837.jpg?t=1301609244]

RE: Testing photofuckit - IMaDick - 03-31-2011

Lets face it not everyone has their accounts marked private.

But I don't mind you testing it all out.

RE: Testing photofuckit - Duchess - 03-31-2011

My account is set to private & I deleted a photo from there yet someone still had possession of the photo I deleted. I was so disillusioned.

RE: Testing photofuckit - BlueTiki - 03-31-2011

Got the "The website declined to show this webpage" message.

Followed by -

Most likely causes:
•This website requires you to log in.

Sorry . . . don't have a photo bucket account.

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

OK, excellent, marking the folder private keeps folks from browsing other pictures in there that you may not want available to the general public.

Err Duchess...isnt it possible that the aforementioned person just saved the photo on his/her HD while it was available?

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 06:15 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Lets face it not everyone has their accounts marked private.

But I don't mind you testing it all out.

Well, we certainly can't hold photofuckit responsible for those that are too fucking stupid not to use the tools provided to them, can we?

RE: Testing photofuckit - Duchess - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 06:21 PM)thekid65 Wrote: Err Duchess...isnt it possible that the aforementioned person just saved the photo on his/her HD while it was available?

I'm sure that's exactly what happened.

RE: Testing photofuckit - Cracker - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 06:09 PM)thekid65 Wrote: [Image: DSC00837.jpg?t=1301609244]

Nope, but the image comes up if you paste it into the browser.

If you change the numbers a bit, you get this message:
[Image: DSC00839.jpg?t=1301609246]

Soooo, a hacker could probably get ahold of your stuff, but this Cracker can't. Your nudes are safe for now...

RE: Testing photofuckit - IMaDick - 03-31-2011

It appears after playing around that PB has changed a couple of things, you have to opt in for your pictures to be followed, the albums are private without doing anything.

A pasted link take you just to that picture, no others.

It's not quite as unsafe as it used to be.

RE: Testing photofuckit - Cracker - 03-31-2011

Nice fence. Did you put it up?

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

No, the fence was there when we bought the joint...I need to have it stained's showing some weathering. Gonna cost me a pretty penny to have that done though (very large fence), but it will be well worth it.. The pic was mainly to show the new garden boxes we had put in last year.

RE: Testing photofuckit - Cracker - 03-31-2011

You can't paint a fence, Tom Sawyer?

RE: Testing photofuckit - Cracker - 03-31-2011

What are you going to plant in the boxes? They are very nice, as well.

Have you ever tried square foot gardening? (Seems random, isn't. haha)

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

Sure I can paint a's whether I want to spend several weekends doing it (you're seeing about 16 of the total job)...fuck that. I'd rather spend the $1200.

Wifey got into vegetable gardening last year (which is why we had the boxes built) check the gardening thread for pics of her first years attempt. She did pretty good for her first year, and we both learned a lot. We learned that 4 tomato plants could feed a fucking army...we learned that thekid65 needs to do a better job with his drip-line watering system...we leaned that cucumbers can take over a fucking garden...we learned that we have a lot to learn about successfully growing peas, and peppers..and we learned that fresh corn kicks fucking ass...but you dont get too many ears off of the plants.

RE: Testing photofuckit - Cracker - 03-31-2011

(03-31-2011, 07:19 PM)thekid65 Wrote: Sure I can paint a's whether I want to spend several weekends doing it (you're seeing about 16 of the total job)...fuck that. I'd rather spend the $1200.

Wifey got into vegetable gardening last year (which is why we had the boxes built) check the gardening thread for pics of her first years attempt. She did pretty good for her first year, and we both learned a lot. We learned that 4 tomato plants could feed a fucking army...we learned that thekid65 needs to do a better job with his drip-line watering system...we leaned that cucumbers can take over a fucking garden...we learned that we have a lot to learn about successfully growing peas, and peppers..and we learned that fresh corn kicks fucking ass...but you dont get too many ears off of the plants.

Yeah, I don't blame you with the fence. Since we aren't getting rid of the illegals anytime soon, you might as well get a piece of that pie and have Jose do it for $600. You could knock it out if you bought a sprayer, though.

I will check out those pics. Of course, a link would be nice...

I have a love of real tomatoes and zucchini. If you plant any, get my stuffed zucchini recipe. You'll stop giving them to the neighbors.

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

We had it quoted for $1250 last year to have it stripped, and stained...I was all for it, wifey wasnt...she won the argument. Got plenty of beaners here in I-dee-ho, so we'll get it done in the near future. Link to when we started the garden below

RE: Testing photofuckit - IMaDick - 03-31-2011

Next you will need to learn that any vine veggie like cucumbers will cross with any other vine fruit or veggie.

keep your cucumbers away from your watermellon or cantalope,squash or anything else that grows on a vine.

spray the fence with thompsons it will darken the fence but it will still look natural.

with an airless you can spray the whole fence in a couple of hours.

for the corn two plantings will give you a better yield for the year use a high nitrogen mulch to plant in and about half way through the growth give it another shot, plant the second crop when your first shows tasseling.

don't mix varieties, corn is another crop that will hybid if they tassel at the same time.

find one that has a little shorter growing time for the second crop.

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

Yeah, we grew cukes and cantaloupe side by side...the cukes kicked ass, but the cantaloupe sucked balls.

Other advice taken and noted, thanks!

Edit: I read up and priced the Thompsons...and thats what I wanted was the "natural look" but man, the price of the Thompsons was outrageous for the sq. footage I need to cover.

RE: Testing photofuckit - Cracker - 03-31-2011

[Image: dsc00927mg.jpg]

That is an awesome garden, kid.

Did you find it more expensive to grow your own?

RE: Testing photofuckit - thekid65 - 03-31-2011

Well, of course the 1st year was more expensive when you factor in all the costs, with the garden boxes ($2500) and all the watering shit, and gardening tools (probably close to 3k total)...but like I mentioned in that post, it was more about the wifey's enjoyment, rather than saving money on vegetables...that, and the fact that ya just cant beat fresh veggies! Obviously this year it will be a fraction of the cost, although I'm gonna need to do some work on the watering system.