Would Suicide Ever be an Option for You? - Printable Version

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- OnBendedKnee - 04-17-2009

At what pain level, if any, would you consider suicide? If you had a debilitating pain that would not cease and there simply was no cure outside of near lethal injections of morphine, would you consider taking your own life?

If you answered "yes", at what lower pain tolerance level(s) would you also consider it?
How about emotional pain, say the loss or betrayal of a dear, close loved one?

What method would you deploy? A simple shot inside the mouth? Then again- someone, probably someone you care about, would be the subject who would find you in that sorry, messy state. Perhaps though, that would be part of what you are seeking?

I'd think the best way would be to leave a note so those you care about are not constantly wondering, and then breaking into the local landfill/dump in the middle of the night with a handgun. Wearing a hefty plastic garbage bag over yourself, burrow deep into a pile of garbage, as far down as you can go! Say about twenty feet or more, and then pull the trigger.

Making sure the gun is about six to eight inches away from the inside of your mouth though as sometimes, if it is too close, the bullet won't lodge properly into your brain and if you're later discovered, will end up being a vegetable the rest of your life.

Of course no form of suicide is recommended, but can you imagine being in pain around the clock with no relief in sight?

Is the sweet relief of suicide an option?

- Middle Finger - 04-17-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:I'd think the best way would be to leave a note so those you care about are not constantly wondering, and then breaking into the local landfill/dump in the middle of the night with a handgun. Wearing a hefty plastic garbage bag over yourself, burrow deep into a pile of garbage, as far down as you can go! Say about twenty feet or more, and then pull the trigger.

Making sure the gun is about six to eight inches away from the inside of your mouth though as sometimes, if it is too close, the bullet won't lodge properly into your brain and if you're later discovered, will end up being a vegetable the rest of your life.

::dlaugh:: Sick, intelligent, fuck.

- Cynical Ninja - 04-17-2009

I have considered suicide in the past for one reason or another, my ego wouldn't let me, now I would never consider it, I've got too much to live for.

If I was in unendurable constant pain though?, hmm, I don't know, maybe a little trip to that clinic in switzerland might be in order.

- Lady Cop - 04-17-2009

a friend's husband took himself out via a bullet in the mouth in their bedroom. she found him and has never recovered from the ultimate act of selfishness. he was not in pain, just drunk.

most women would never use a gun, it's too messy. they prefer pills and an intact corpse.

would i? never. i could never hurt my kids that way. besides, i want to know what is around the next bend in the road.

- OnBendedKnee - 04-17-2009

I understand the pain it would cause your children, but for them to see you physically in constant turmoil and never ending pain whereas all you can do is curl up in a fetal position and cry out in horror and agony?

I would think that visual for them would be close to the pain they would feel over your demise but they would recover somewhat quicker over what the first option reminds them of always.

- Lady Cop - 04-17-2009

i understand your question OBK, but with options like hospice which keep people pain-free and comfortable, i think i'd like to stay alive long enough to write some letters and read some more books. there is no reason for anyone to endure screaming pain anymore, there are pain clinics andmany doctors will prescibe relief.

i guess until i am in that situation it's easy enough for me to say eh?

- OnBendedKnee - 04-17-2009

I agree. I suppose, in this day and age, really no one withers in pain in the corner of a dark, dank room anymore.

I'd hate to eat through whatever inheritance though via the cost of hospice if my quality of life is so diminished.

I do appreciate the option of choice. We didn't choose for ourselves to be born into this world but our exit can be left up to us.

- Lady Cop - 04-17-2009

and so this thread could evolve into a discussion of euthanasia! at least you choose the place and time.

- LuMPyPussy - 04-17-2009

I don't see anything noble in 'suffering through the pain.' When my quality of life declines enough that all I can think about is my pain, or I know that soon I won't be mentally competent (and how fucking scary would that be, you never know if today is your last day of mental clarity and you end up drooling in a corner), then I think it'd be a good time for suicide.

Fortunately I don't have children to add to the equation, but I think it's pretty sad that we as a society can't let loved ones go when they're clearly suffering. Sometimes death is a mercy.

- Lady Cop - 04-17-2009

good point Lmpy, dementia would scare me more than pain.

- OnBendedKnee - 04-17-2009

My dad is suffering from that. He is under full-time care. He lived a life of complete health awareness (he was an OBGYN by trade) so is physically fit, but his mind is lost.
Thank goodness for medications that place him in an artificial state of euphoria but otherwise he doesn't know me, doesn't even know my mom anymore.
Truly a sad state of life.

- FAHQTOO - 04-17-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:My dad is suffering from that. He is under full-time care. He lived a life of complete health awareness (he was an OBGYN by trade) so is physically fit, but his mind is lost.
Thank goodness for medications that place him in an artificial state of euphoria but otherwise he doesn't know me, doesn't even know my mom anymore.
Truly a sad state of life.

Sorry to hear that OBK. I can't think of a more horrible disease than Alzheimer's, not even Aids. I hope to God my mother never gets that. I don't know how I would react the first time (or any time) she didn't know who I was. I'm a momma's girl.

- Liquid - 04-17-2009

I would never ever do it, BUT if something happened to both my wife and son and both were killed or suddenly dead, I am not sure how I would handle it. Since this has thankfully not happened, I can not tell you what I would or would not do, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I would be very depressed and manic.

- Duchess - 04-17-2009

I can't imagine what could ever push me to suicide...It would have to be pretty fuckin' bad to make me take that kind of action..Like say, if a monkey attacked me and ate my face & hands.

- LuMPyPussy - 04-17-2009

Duchess Wrote:I can't imagine what could ever push me to suicide...It would have to be pretty fuckin' bad to make me take that kind of action..Like say, if a monkey attacked me and ate my face & hands.
Better stay away from MF then. ::blink::

- D - 04-17-2009

Nice one Lumpy!

- SyberBitch - 04-17-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:At what pain level, if any, would you consider suicide?
A papercut?

No seriously though, if I were in constant, terminal pain... fuck that. I would want to go out with a morphine drip overdose.

- D - 04-17-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:At what pain level, if any, would you consider suicide?
A papercut?

No seriously though, if I were in constant, terminal pain... fuck that. I would want to go out with a morphine drip overdose.
Ditto. But fuck the drip. Stick a 60cc needle in my arm and get it over with all fucking ready.

- QueenBee - 04-17-2009

My cousin took the suicide route, I guess. He had full on AIDS, and choose to stop taking all of his meds and pretty much let himself die. He knew he did not have long. But as I type this, is this really suicide..or the Living Will thing, where a person wants no extrordinary measures to stay alive. And if that is the the living will option a form of suicide? head is spinning now, I am leaving.

- D - 04-17-2009

I think you said it backwards. I think suicide is a form of living will. Fuck the idiots who think it is unacceptable. God fucking dammit, its my life. They can suck my brown eye if they think they can tell me I can't choose to end it.