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Oh God..have I become a Person of Walmart??
OK, I will admit, my name is Queen Bee and I shop at Walmart. Deal with it Mockers.

So, a very few of you know know me, also know that I have issues with arthritis and mobility..had a hip replaced already, and have bad knees. Due to that, I cannot be on my feet to walk long distances any more...which pisses me off because I cannot even manage mowing my own lawn any more..but I digress.

When I shop Wally World, I go to the superstore..with the groceries. Anyway, in recent months I have had to resort to using one of those lovely Mart Carts to get around the store. So, there is one store that often will have none available, or those that are will have their battery with no charge. Because the employees ( also People of Walmart) do not get the hint that they need to be plugged in for longer than a minute or two to fully charge the batteries.
I said something in the store, and the employee said, well just plug it in for about 5 minutes, that'll do it. This for a cart that was nagging that it had NO charge.
They take upwards of 6 hours to charge full.
ANyway, I wrote a letter. So we shall see what happens.
On another note, I have to remember to bring my camera to this one..would get a lot off good shots for that website.

Messages In This Thread
Oh God..have I become a Person of Walmart?? - by QueenBee - 09-30-2012, 05:29 PM