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Martin MacNeill Murder Trial - WHO'S YOUR DADDY?
What's Next in the Trial:

Testimony is expected to resume tomorrow, with Martin MacNeill’s daughters Alexis Somers and Rachel MacNeill expected to testify. Should be interesting.

Since the judge ruled that Rachel's bi-polar and medical records could be introduced by the defense (and since Martin MacNeill obviously doesn't give a shit about his kids) her cross-examination could be brutal.

Also Thursday, Judge Derek Pullan is expected to decide whether 12-year-old Ada MacNeill, who found her mother in the bath tub when she was 6, will be allowed to testify.

Trial Recap To Date:

So far in the trial, the prosecution has elicited incriminating testimony from:

-The 911 call and MacNeill's odd demeanor at the time; especially for a doctor,

-The neighbors who found MacNeill's actions way out there when they were called to get Michele out of the tub,

-Co-workers of Martin MacNeill who recalled his odd behavior in wanting the schedule changed that day and insisting that his picture be taken there (his department had won some type of award). NOTE: THE DEFENSE JUST FILED A MOTION OF THEIR INTENTION TO USE AN ALIBI DEFENSE - NOW CLAIMING THAT MARTIN MACNEILL WAS AT WORK WHEN HIS WIFE DIED.

-A fellow doctor who explained how strange he found it that MacNeill had offered him $10k to keep trying to revive Michele at the ER, even though it was obvious she was dead,

-The girlfriend of the MacNeill's son (the son who committed suicide) who told the jury about how MacNeill had asked the couple to flush Michele's meds.

-The son's girlfriend also described the oddness of being asked to interview potential babysitters for MacNeill's kids after Michele died and how she recommended he not hire Gypsy Willis, the only candidate she actually interviewed.

I really think MacNeill killed his wife. But, this isn't a slam dunk prosecution case.

The defense will probably pound on the jury about how MEs ruled Michele's death a result of natural causes and medical conditions, and paint the MacNeill kids as being emotional, rather than logical, in their accusations. I think the defense will also emphasize his eccentricities and cop to some of his lies, but remind the jury how those things don't make him a murderer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Martin MacNeill Murder Trial - WHO'S YOUR DADDY? - by HairOfTheDog - 10-24-2013, 12:29 AM