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Michael Dunn Trial: The Murder of Jordan Davis

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Jurors saw dramatic photos of the body of slain Florida teenager Jordan Davis Monday during the trial of the man accused in his killing, Michael Dunn, and viewed clothing Davis was wearing the evening he was shot to death.

ME Stacey Simons said Davis was killed by “multiple gunshot wounds.” One bullet, she said, entered the right side of his chest and punctured his diaphragm, liver, lungs and aorta. She showed jurors clothing Davis was wearing, showing the bullet holes in the clothing she said were consistent with wounds on his body.

The bullet wound that pierced Davis’ chest “would have been fatal in a matter of minutes,” Simons testified. Two other wounds pierced Davis’ right and left thighs near his groin, she said.

But in a combative cross-examination, defense attorney Cory Strolla asked whether Davis might have been standing outside the vehicle while he was shot. The position Davis was in when he was shot could be key as jurors determine whether Dunn shot in self-defense. (In his opening statement, Strolla told jurors that Davis was trying to get out of the Durango when Dunn shot him.)

Another law enforcement department analyst, Maria Pagan, testified earlier in the day about the steps Dunn took before shooting the teen, bolstering prosecutors’ contention that he acted with premeditation. Dunn would have had to remove the gun from its holster, load the chamber with a bullet and then apply six pounds of pressure to fire it, Pagan said.

Dunn fired the gun 10 times, hitting the SUV nine times, and he would have had to pull the trigger every time using more than six pounds of pressure each time, Pagan said. Pagan answered affirmatively when prosecutor Angela Corey asked, “Does that take a conscious effort of the shooter to have a second-round come out?”

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Detective Andrew Kipple testified Saturday that the location of nine bullet holes in the SUV showed that the Durango's driver and his front-seat passenger barely escaped being shot.

According to authorities, Dunn became enraged and he and Davis began arguing. One person walking out of the convenience store said he heard Dunn say, "You are not going to talk to me like that."

Dunn, who had a concealed weapons permit, pulled a 9 mm handgun from the glove compartment, according to an affidavit, and fired multiple shots, striking Davis. No gun was found in the SUV.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2014-02-10-at-2.24.37-PM-620x343.png]

Jordan Davis' father, (Ronald ^), took the stand and recalled Leland Brunson and Tevin Thompson visiting him to console him after the shooting. Of Leland, “He was going back and forth from the living room to bedroom and sitting on the bed, then came back to the living room,” Ronald Davis said. “Tevin Thompson was crying. He usually has a big smile on his face.” Davis said he has little recollection of the visit because of his own emotional agony.


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RE: Michael Dunn Trial: The Murder of Jordan Davis - by HairOfTheDog - 02-11-2014, 09:21 AM