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Do all black lives matter, or only those killed by cops?
I also agree with Dallas PD Chief Brown. Many in society are asking too much of good police officers. They work within the system and do their best to serve and protect within their communities. When the system in which they work is broken, it's not the fault of the officers.

I still believe most cops are good guys. However, just like there are teachers attracted to the profession because they're sexually attracted to teens and there are priests who use their positions of trust to molest children, there are power-hungry control freaks who are attracted to policing. Corrupt teachers, priests, and police officers don't get a pass from me just because I respect the professions and the good majority of professionals.

Not all cops that kill people are bad or brutal; sometime it's justified, sometimes it's lack of training/competence, sometimes it's a perfect storm of factors that couldn't have been prevented. Painting all police officers with a negative broad brush is wrong, in my opinion.

Likewise, while some people who get brutalized or killed by police brought it on themselves, not all of them did. People who make up their own facts in order to paint every police shooting victim as a "thug" or a "piece of shit" who deserved it are just as wrong as those who insist that all police officers are bad ones, in my view.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Do all black lives matter, or only those killed by cops? - by HairOfTheDog - 07-12-2016, 01:24 PM