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(11-04-2016, 05:09 PM)sally Wrote: I don't think what BG is doing is plagiarism. He already knows we know his posting style and can tell that he didn't write it himself. Well I guess everyone besides for Dono and BBH that is. He doesn't post the source because he likes to be spiteful like a little child and get you all pissy, HotD.

But I do think he should give credit to the source when using their words to prove a point. Ann Coulter for example, even though I knew BG didn't write it, I didn't know who wrote it. I don't keep up on everything that dumb bitch says so if there were a couple of points that I agreed with then she should get the credit.

Well, sal, given the issue at hand...I'm betting Gunnar appreciates you telling me his reasoning. But, the reason you've given on his behalf conflicts with the reasons he's repeatedly given us on his own behalf.

It doesn't spite me when people act like children and I let Gunnar's plagiarism (that's the definition, regardless as to why he does it) slide all the time. But, it's not something that he or anyone can do day-after-day or "all day", as Gunnar claimed yesterday when he jacked Coulter's copyrighted shit. At that point, it's gonna be addressed on any non-shithole board. But, I don't mind if you paint/see it as me being pissy in response to some juvenile troll.

Anyway......when it comes to trolling, I think Ann Coulter is a master. I don't doubt that she believes some of the shit she spews, maybe most of it. But, I do get the sense that she makes some of her more riling outrageous claims primarily to sell books, to bait clicks, and to secure her place on the media circuit. I've seen her on Bill Maher several times and actually find her to be an entertaining listen/watch, even though I disagree with at least 90% of her spiel. She absolutely claims to believe it's "lights out for America" if Clinton is elected.

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