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The Donald's diggs could get out of hand . . . . . . .
It's not an assumption that the White House is more secure than Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, Cars. It's a fact.

That's why it will cost millions in additional tax payer dollars to up the security in and around Trump Tower in order for Melania and Barron Trump to remain living there full-time after President Trump takes residence in the White House.

I'm not claiming that any place is impenetrable, but the White House is set up with state of the art security in and around the facility, rooftop snipers, hundreds of Security Service agents/guards, bullet proof windows, alarms and infrared sensors to immediately summons guards in the case of outside perimeter gate crashers, monitored entry/exit, etc...

Despite several attempts, nobody has launched a successful attack on the White House since the Brits took to burning down the House during the war of 1812, and no one has ever been assassinated in the White House. The same cannot be said for skyscrapers/towers in New York City obviously, and assassinations have indeed been carried out in public spaces in NYC and elsewhere.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Donald's diggs could get out of hand . . . . . . . - by HairOfTheDog - 11-27-2016, 09:58 AM