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Tales from the Frontline: Online Dating
(04-21-2023, 07:07 AM)Piglet Wrote: Joking aside Chango, you would be good company,  whatever miscihef i got up to in regards to conversation you would tolerate it and have a bit of fun.  I can relate to your life as i was like you as a student in brum, living a bohemian life style with Tim in clent view road Bartley Green.  O happy days, how quickly it all goes.  His girlfriend had a sports car, we went roaming one afternoon, had a few drinks and  ended back home, if you could call it that.....all in bed.

I was just about to get my leg over on his girlfriend when he said " what do you think your doing"???    And having manners, i forsooth such an activity.  And no, me and Tim did not knock a round off.

Eventually he got a cracking girlfriend, nice, pretty, nowt wrong with her.    He left her to move to South Africa, and as far as i could see, just to fight a war.  I dont know how bad racism gets in your country, but in some here its bad, and it was for that reason. 

Make the most of the time you have left clang.......and that doesnt include imbibing poison.  Get a girlfriend, its a bigger high, by a multiple of billions.

Got it.....Get girlfriend, have sex while we are both drunk and high.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Tales from the Frontline: Online Dating - by Clang McFly - 04-21-2023, 08:00 AM