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The Donald's diggs could get out of hand . . . . . . .
It will be cheaper than Mrs. Obama and her entourage going to China. And whats wrong with a person going to work in a different state than where they live? I bet if you look into it a bit more you will find that the secret service utilizing an existing building will be cheaper than renting or leasing another.
I'm tellin ya that Trump will do the job, cut the waste and get rid of wasteful government expenditures. You are grasping at straws that the media tells you to grasp. Both sides Republicans and Democrats are realizing that he will gut all their pork and that their free ride may be over or at least revealed to the public for their records.
He hasn't even sat down in the oval office and pundits are commenting on what he will do. Business and private industry is behind him no matter what is said about what he "might" do.
Why not listen to the polls and have a gleaning of what "might" happen or just let the transfer of power become legitimate. Geez.........I even gave Obama at least till March to see what crap he was really into after the election. At least I waited to see before passing judgement.
America needs a businessman not a feather in the winds of change. Drifting.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Donald's diggs could get out of hand . . . . . . . - by Maggot - 11-26-2016, 06:34 PM