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The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander
While I admit that I enjoyed my finger recently, it was just for a few minutes so it's not cricket or anything. I swear I didn't post that comment!

On a serious note, a lovely woman named Joyce makes a very sound argument in the "About Us" section:

Jodi haters exaggerated the suffering of his death; the whole fight took about one minute and the adrenaline was high for both of them. It is known that people might feel no pain for days with ruptured kidneys after auto accidents.

When you think about it, how bad could it REALLY be to get ambushed and be stabbed in the heart, the head, the torso and the back 27 times, have your throat cut ear to ear, and be shot in the face? Joyce is right, what Jodi did isn't THAT bad and Travis likely "passed away" peacefully. Free Jodi!

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander - by HairOfTheDog - 03-08-2013, 06:46 PM
Jodi Arias is going to . . . . - by Carsman - 08-04-2014, 09:55 PM