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Global Truth and Trash
Hi Mo.

So here's a global sit-u-a-chi-on that has me laughing a bit.

France wants to kick Assad's ass -- with the US on the front lines, of course. "Charge in, you yanks!", they scream. "We gotchyer backs in Syria, bros!'. (Obviously, that's the American English translation.)

Meanwhile......Crimea succeeds to Russia, with an oh-so-gentle push from Putin -- because Putin's protecting all the Russian-speaking Ukranians, dontchya know. NATO is aghast, including Mr. Hollande.

But....Hold up a damned minute here.......who's Mr. Assad's number one friend til the end. Mr. Putin, right? That's right.

And, wait just a sec... isn't it France that has a tiny bit of a problem with the G7 sanctions against Russia -- the ones that Obama and Cameron are spear-heading. You know; being that the French have billions USD$$ pending in warship carrier exports to Russia (can't say I blame the French there, from a business perspective).

At the same time.......let's pretend that Syria isn't the number one terrorist training camp in the world and attracting an alarming number of westerners. And, let's also pretend that the majority of the western trainees aren't British (with whom the French are aligned in the EU, NATO, and G7).

Eff' that. Let's not pretend. Let's be straight up.

It's a mad mad world!

Not singling out the French here -- I'm not one who thinks that money/economy doesn't matter and that capitalism is bad. And, there's some equally funny hypocritical shit (only because it's better to laugh than cry) going on with the US, the collective EU, Austraila....on many fronts. IMO.

I'm just kicking off this thread with one of the many global derps in play at the moment, as I see it.

P.s. I find Angela Merkel an interesting woman and leader to watch.
Ah, le French are tres sneaky mon petit pois.

The Yanks? The whole planet knows by now that if you want some chewing gum, refreshing soft drinks that turn you into a diabetic and wonderful food that is fast and made of some dodgy slimy substance as well as that all American scream "We'll bring you democracy, you'll be freeee!" , you just have to got some sort of resource. Either that black stuff that America is willing to die for, or the number one rule in any sort of business, location, location, location, i.e our wonderful sandbox here.

Now if you don't qualify for either one of those, no matter just how many of your local folks will get butchered or starve to death, fuck you, you are a free person so do please take care of your own misfortune.

The English? Just like the Germans they are still suffering from their past and by now the average Englishman walks thru London with a constant Wtf?! expression on his face, trying to make sense of all those nationalities trying to be part of his neighbourhood just because they were part of a former colony. Obviously they totally deserve it and over a few years it can just be an improvement to the overall British gen pool as lets face it, they are one pasty faced, big eared and generally ugly nation. So a touch of Jamaica, Somalia, India, Uganda, or Poland can only be good.

However, with both of those you know where you're standing. And that's when the French sneak in!

They are smart so and not only shan't but even more so, can't, be underestimated. When they took their colonies, they took the global holiday resorts. Mauritius, Seychelles, Tahiti, etc. You find a gorgeous lagoon with a local grass skirt wearing chic serving Pinacolads in halfed Coconuts, and you can be sure a French called it instantly home. They do got their class and style, they gave us Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Petit Fours after all.

So unlike their hated English neighbours they didn't jump across the globe to look for large properties to call it their own, oh no, they just followed those English ships, checked where they landed, and then simply set off to fuck it up, i.e America!

Did they want it for themselves? Mais none! They just found it amusing to fuck it up for those English cretins! Once that was done, they took the first passage out to their favourite beach on Tahiti to mingle with the locals.

So same here. Everybody knows the Yanks and English fucked up the Middle East since the first oil discoveries. It was the Brits who brought those Jews that nobody wanted "over there" to "their" holy land and created Israel for shits and giggles. Surely those folks who hate each other deeply will be so busy bashing their own heads in that they will not pay any attention to us running all the resources, plus supplying whatever weapons they might certainly need for the shit that will surely follow.

The Americans set up camp with the Saudis, a bunch of uneducated Bedouins, and told them "Hey, see that black shit none of you wants? We'll take it. Not only that, but you will make huge amounts of cash as well. There's nothing to buy around here with it? No worries, we'll provide that as well. As long as you pay our companies building all your malls and camel dens with the cash we give you for your oil, all will be fine. What? Democracy? Fuck that, you got a wonderful King with a huge family who seems to know perfectly well what to do, mainly doing what we say business wise, so go ahead, do as you like with your women, no matter that most guys behind Al Qaeda are from your lovely country, we just fucking love you. Do as you wish."

But then the French did what they do best. They pouted!

Of course, you would pout too if there's a big colourful party and nobody invited you even so you are famous for Champagne and Foie Gras. So they said "Putain!" and took off with a large Louis Vuitton suitcase full of Veuve Cliquot right into the dessert. Did it work? Hell yeah!

Total and YLNG are the biggest companies over here and as I mentioned before, did they manage to fuck it up or what!

But then comes me, taking full advantage of that knowledge and their guilt. Well, it is less guilt than actually damage control, because one thing the French are lacking is ... guilt.

Strangely enough and for the first time in my life, I am starting to think Putin, or a Russian President, is actually .... cool.

America brings you freedom, which is why they got about 662 military bases in 38 countries. Understandably so, considering how many naughty people we got on the planet. The English have learned from their past, thinking "Fuck that, we don't have anymore space for all those Paki's, let America take over now."

But the Russians? Well, they will tell you straight to your face "We'll fuck you up, or we don't." Easy, straight up, and none of that pretentious and hippocratic bull one expects by now from everybody else.

Yeah, Angie is sure kicking ass. One thing she learned from her master and mentor good old Kohl, who I believe fucked up Germany with that ridiculous Euro of his. It works for the Germans as they just shut up and run double to make ends meet, but clearly it doesn't work that well in the more relaxed and tranquil neighbourhoods of Europe, pretty much everything south of Germany.

So yeah, fuck Kohl and the French!

(06-07-2014, 12:26 PM)Mohammed Wrote: The English? Just like the Germans they are still suffering from their past and by now the average Englishman walks thru London with a constant Wtf?! expression on his face, trying to make sense of all those nationalities trying to be part of his neighbourhood just because they were part of a former colony. Obviously they totally deserve it and over a few years it can just be an improvement to the overall British gen pool as lets face it, they are one pasty faced, big eared and generally ugly nation. So a touch of Jamaica, Somalia, India, Uganda, or Poland can only be good.

28 You're so effin' bad.

I've gotta get coffee and start moving. Will re-read your colorful post when the brain is a little more alert.

Have a good day, Mo, you greedy guiltless desert-dwelling capitalist!

Those fuckin' Americans. They run around the globe creating ill will everywhere they go.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(06-07-2014, 12:26 PM)Mohammed Wrote: Ah, le French are tres sneaky mon petit pois.

The Yanks? The whole planet knows by now that if you want some chewing gum, refreshing soft drinks that turn you into a diabetic and wonderful food that is fast and made of some dodgy slimy substance as well as that all American scream "We'll bring you democracy, you'll be freeee!" , you just have to got some sort of resource. Either that black stuff that America is willing to die for, or the number one rule in any sort of business, location, location, location, i.e our wonderful sandbox here.

Now if you don't qualify for either one of those, no matter just how many of your local folks will get butchered or starve to death, fuck you, you are a free person so do please take care of your own misfortune.

The English? Just like the Germans they are still suffering from their past and by now the average Englishman walks thru London with a constant Wtf?! expression on his face, trying to make sense of all those nationalities trying to be part of his neighbourhood just because they were part of a former colony. Obviously they totally deserve it and over a few years it can just be an improvement to the overall British gen pool as lets face it, they are one pasty faced, big eared and generally ugly nation. So a touch of Jamaica, Somalia, India, Uganda, or Poland can only be good.

However, with both of those you know where you're standing. And that's when the French sneak in!

They are smart so and not only shan't but even more so, can't, be underestimated. When they took their colonies, they took the global holiday resorts. Mauritius, Seychelles, Tahiti, etc. You find a gorgeous lagoon with a local grass skirt wearing chic serving Pinacolads in halfed Coconuts, and you can be sure a French called it instantly home. They do got their class and style, they gave us Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Petit Fours after all.

So unlike their hated English neighbours they didn't jump across the globe to look for large properties to call it their own, oh no, they just followed those English ships, checked where they landed, and then simply set off to fuck it up, i.e America!

Did they want it for themselves? Mais none! They just found it amusing to fuck it up for those English cretins! Once that was done, they took the first passage out to their favourite beach on Tahiti to mingle with the locals.

So same here. Everybody knows the Yanks and English fucked up the Middle East since the first oil discoveries. It was the Brits who brought those Jews that nobody wanted "over there" to "their" holy land and created Israel for shits and giggles. Surely those folks who hate each other deeply will be so busy bashing their own heads in that they will not pay any attention to us running all the resources, plus supplying whatever weapons they might certainly need for the shit that will surely follow.

The Americans set up camp with the Saudis, a bunch of uneducated Bedouins, and told them "Hey, see that black shit none of you wants? We'll take it. Not only that, but you will make huge amounts of cash as well. There's nothing to buy around here with it? No worries, we'll provide that as well. As long as you pay our companies building all your malls and camel dens with the cash we give you for your oil, all will be fine. What? Democracy? Fuck that, you got a wonderful King with a huge family who seems to know perfectly well what to do, mainly doing what we say business wise, so go ahead, do as you like with your women, no matter that most guys behind Al Qaeda are from your lovely country, we just fucking love you. Do as you wish."

But then the French did what they do best. They pouted!

Of course, you would pout too if there's a big colourful party and nobody invited you even so you are famous for Champagne and Foie Gras. So they said "Putain!" and took off with a large Louis Vuitton suitcase full of Veuve Cliquot right into the dessert. Did it work? Hell yeah!

Total and YLNG are the biggest companies over here and as I mentioned before, did they manage to fuck it up or what!

But then comes me, taking full advantage of that knowledge and their guilt. Well, it is less guilt than actually damage control, because one thing the French are lacking is ... guilt.

Strangely enough and for the first time in my life, I am starting to think Putin, or a Russian President, is actually .... cool.

America brings you freedom, which is why they got about 662 military bases in 38 countries. Understandably so, considering how many naughty people we got on the planet. The English have learned from their past, thinking "Fuck that, we don't have anymore space for all those Paki's, let America take over now."

But the Russians? Well, they will tell you straight to your face "We'll fuck you up, or we don't." Easy, straight up, and none of that pretentious and hippocratic bull one expects by now from everybody else.

Yeah, Angie is sure kicking ass. One thing she learned from her master and mentor good old Kohl, who I believe fucked up Germany with that ridiculous Euro of his. It works for the Germans as they just shut up and run double to make ends meet, but clearly it doesn't work that well in the more relaxed and tranquil neighbourhoods of Europe, pretty much everything south of Germany.

So yeah, fuck Kohl and the French!



I can just see your poor little ginger mate telling at the screen, then the shadows, then the screen..

“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
I actually do miss him and hope he's just gone on a nice summer skateboard tour across Europe. Or his neighbourhood perhaps.

I guess I have to wait until HotD gets wasted again. She is so much fun that way! Smiley_emoticons_smile
Okay, Mo, tell me if I'm losing my mind here.

I'm starting to wonder if the Sultan of Brunei made a good decision in officially adopting sharia law.

He's got a tiny secular nation, Muslim-heavy, with some real wealth and natural resources in a strategic location.

Given what's going on with Islamic fundamentalist insurgents and foreign infiltrators fighting to overthrow secular governments -- and in some cases using the promotion of sharia law as their mission statement and justification for terrorist acts -- in Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, etc...would it be off-base for the Sultan to consider Brunei a logical future target?

23 of Brunei's university enrollments are now female, the standard of living is equivalent to some western countries (though it's said to be hellish for foreign workers), and sharia has always been heavily practiced in the country anyway (alongside a parallel British justice system). And, so, in a proactively defensive move, he decides to remove the perceived bulls-eye from his chest. "We've adopted sharia law; nothing to be accomplished and no excuse to bring your terrorist fight here; keep your hands offa my stack" kinda deal.

If Brunei formally/officially adopted sharia law to ensure greater national security and manages to minimize actual changes in society in the process, is that a winning strategy? Could be, IMO. Yeah, Jay Leno, Ellen, and Richard Branson won't be vacationing there anytime soon and there is probably some financial loss associated with western boycotts of Brunei-owned businesses abroad, but that's a small cost as compared to revolution, war, or invasion.

I'm just thinking out loud and connecting perceived dots -- could be completely off base. But, it makes some sense of a very rich party-loving monarch making that official change when it doesn't appear anything was broken internally in the first place.
Brunei is actually funny. On many of my pics you'll see Jade with her 2 little friends, the ones we went to visit in Spain, and their parents are Jorge and Sophie, also quite often on our old pics. They were an integral and essential pair of the small party scene we got here, and many a night was spend in their apartment getting utterly wasted.

So the shit started happening here and they packed up as he got a nice offer with his company. In Brunei!

Now shortly after they settled there we are receiving frantic messages from them, saying "Can you fucking believe it!! First it's hard to get any booze over in Yemen, and now when we move here, they do THIS shit!!" Ha ha!

But Brunei is cool. It's about the size of a Lincoln Escalade and the best part is that whichever side you get out of the car, you are right next to very popular tourist destinations like Kota Kinabalu and the rest of Malaysia, Indonesia or the Philippines. And the Sultan knows that. He's running a small village that's located on more oil than Texas. So why should he give a fuck?

He likes to look proper, I don't think anybody will ever get stoned in Brunei or anything close to the treatment people might receive in some Paki village, and he just likes to keep up his appearance and be ... popular. He knows he can easily control it if anybody ever would get it into his head to come up with some silly radical ideas, and until something happens where some Christian lunatic will be sentenced to death for blasphemy, I'm pretty sure I'm right.

It's kind of like the Saudi - Bahrain scenario, just the other way around. If the Saudi's wanna get totally wasted and spend the night with a dozen Ukrainian hookers, as that is what they deeply feel for by their very nature and none of that pray five times a day crap, they just hop over to Bahrain. But for Saudi Arabia as a country it would never allow such a disgusting thing to be known to happen in their own country. They are the keepers of the faith after all.

Fact of the day. Did you know that a liter bottle of Johnnie Walker Black costs 650US$ over in Jeddah?! Cool eh?! Smiley_emoticons_smile

Someone could make a fortune running booze to the Middle East. Sarcastic
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
You don't say Smiley_emoticons_smile

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]