What's the first thing you got drunk on? How old were you?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Whiskey Sours, 17 or 18, tasted so good down, until they came back up, never again!  Smiley_emoticons_kotz
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

Budweiser. 19. College party at my brother Jim's apartment. Almost fell in a bathtub. Puked on someone's shoes at the bottom of a fire escape.
My mom's mad dog 2020 when I was two years old so they tell me. I guess I kept sneaking sips of it while they weren't looking and got shit faced.
Mine was margaritas. I was so sick and barfy and in a great deal of trouble too because my mom saw the end result. 
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]