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Overpaid football kicking twat gets full backing of his club
Steven Gerrard, the Liverpool captain has been charged with assault and affray after an incident in Liverpool in the early hours of Sunday morning which resulted in a 34 year old man receiving serious facial injuries.
Liverpool F.C have given Gerrard their full backing because he is their most important player and financial asset, in nearly every other job in the world he would have been sacked but because he is a sportsman earning £125,000 a week he gets his employers "full backing".!

Do this happen with American sportsmen as well? "We know he stamped on his mothers face but he sure can hit a baseball very hard!".
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Do this happen with American sportsmen as well? "We know he stamped on his mothers face but he sure can hit a baseball very hard!".
Of course it happens here, too! I am pretty sure you heard of OJ Simson, right? Michael Vick? Who's the idiot hockey player for the Wings who kept getting in trouble? It happens here as well. Fuckers. Think sincethey have money and a name that makes them above the law.::finger::