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So is everyone here a satan worshiper or what?
sally Wrote:I always considered myself an agnostic but Diesm makes sense to me too. I feel like there must be a higher power , but no devine revalation. I think God created us and this is what we evolved into. God doesnt interfere with it.
To what do you attribute the first abiogenesis?
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
sally Wrote:Diesm makes sense to me
I'm surprised any word over 2 syllables makes sense to you.

And did you notice she spelled it incorrectly? It only has five fucking letters in it.
It was a typo Portnoy, are you gonna answer the original question or notJew boy?
sally Wrote:It was a typo Portnoy, are you gonna answer the original question or notJew boy?
You answered the question for yourself; dumbass. I am a Jew.
Sinister Wrote:I wasn't going to pour salt in the wound. I was saving that one, so thanks, dickhead.
And in the same sentence that she says I am a Jew; she asks what I believe. Can she be that stupid that she doesn't know what Jews believe? :shock:
AnonyMoose Wrote:
sally Wrote:It was a typo Portnoy, are you gonna answer the original question or notJew boy?
You answered the question for yourself; dumbass. I am a Jew.
What kind of Jew? Orange jew, apple jew, grape jew, what? ::lmao::
sally Wrote:What kind of Jew?

I honestly do not believe you are intelligent enough to have a deep conversation about my religious beliefs. You do not strike me as an erudite person. That is not a mock; BTW.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:I wasn't going to pour salt in the wound. I was saving that one, so thanks, dickhead.
And in the same sentence that she says I am a Jew; she asks what I believe. Can she be that stupid that she doesn't know what Jews believe? :shock:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole. News flash, you dont have to eat pickled herring and matzo at your barmitzvah while wearing a fucking beanie just because you are a jew. Do you bless all your chicken and wash your plates in rocks too?
sally Wrote:
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:I wasn't going to pour salt in the wound. I was saving that one, so thanks, dickhead.
And in the same sentence that she says I am a Jew; she asks what I believe. Can she be that stupid that she doesn't know what Jews believe? :shock:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.
No you don't; you fucking idiot. You know Methodists that are Methodist.

AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:I wasn't going to pour salt in the wound. I was saving that one, so thanks, dickhead.
And in the same sentence that she says I am a Jew; she asks what I believe. Can she be that stupid that she doesn't know what Jews believe? :shock:
Silly? Without a doubt she IS that stupid. The brains of a spent shell casing.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
sally Wrote:
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:I wasn't going to pour salt in the wound. I was saving that one, so thanks, dickhead.
And in the same sentence that she says I am a Jew; she asks what I believe. Can she be that stupid that she doesn't know what Jews believe? :shock:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.
No you don't; you fucking idiot. You know Methodists that are Methodist.
So are you saying that being Jewish is a choice ::lmao::A jew is a jew and they can choose any religion they want to, atleast here anyway.
This has been discussed before on this site - multiple times.

I do not believe in god
I do not have a problem with people who do.
I think the bible is a great, well crafted and writen long, novel - nothing more.
Liquid Wrote:This has been discussed before on this site - multiple times.

I do not believe in god
I do not have a problem with people who do.
I think the bible is a great, well crafted and writen long, novel - nothing more.

Well I gues my retarded ass missed it. I did see the one about animals having souls and this is my favorite poem. I dont care if you like it or not so STFU.

When some proud son of man returns to earth,
Unknown to glory, but upheld by birth,
The sculptor's art exhausts the pomp of woe
And storied urns record who rest below:
When all is done, upon the tomb is seen,
Not what he was, but what he should have been:
But the poor dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his master's own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonour'd falls, unnoticed all his worth--
Denied in heaven the soul he held on earth:
While Man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive Heaven.
Oh Man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power,
Who knows thee well must quit thee with disgust,
Degraded mass of animated dust!
Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
Thy smiles hypocrisy, thy words deceit!
By nature vile, ennobled but by name,
Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame.
Ye! who perchance behold this simple urn,
Pass on--it honours none you wish to mourn:
To mark a Friend's remains these stones arise;
I never knew but one,--and here he lies.

is that about bestiality and having sex with dogs you sick pervert?
Liquid Wrote:is that about bestiality and having sex with dogs you sick pervert?
Jesus Christ! Jesus Fucking Christ!I'm not even going to respond to your crazy ass. And I know you are the one voting for me stalker.
trust me, I AM NOT voting for you EVER. Any admin on this site that can see the votes can confirm that I will never ever vote for your sick demented animal fucking and loving ass.
Yes, I worship Satan, money & the ass on most of the men in Mock.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
sally Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:is that about bestiality and having sex with dogs you sick pervert?
Jesus Christ! Jesus Fucking Christ!I'm not even going to respond to your crazy ass. And I know you are the one voting for me stalker.
This from the one that started this thread??
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:I'm an Agnostic.
You are on the fence about everything; especially your homosexuality.

::laugh:: Good one, BUT, not knowing something isn't "on the fence." That means "undecided" or "can't decide." I already decided that I have no fucking idea if there is a God. It's called "intellectually honest" and "simply not knowing," gold fag.
86 112
I was raised Catholic and decided before I was 10 that organized religion is pretty stupid. I believe there's 'something' out there, but it isn't some old guy with a beard keeping tabs on everyone.

Is that Satanic?
I recieved perfect penmanship and a fear of women in black gowns from Catholic school. Also a weird love for Sally Fields the flying nun.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.