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Should Jaycee Dugard Be Suing the Fed?
Since Jaycee Dugard and the two girls she bore by her male abductor were returned home in August 2009, her abductors were convicted (the man to 436 years and the woman to 36 years). Jaycee successfully sued the state of California for $20 million because her male abductor's parole officers (he was a previous sexual offender) never checked the back of the house where Jaycee and her daughters were living in a mini compound during her 18 years of captivity. There had been dozens of routine "home checks" and even a call by a neighbor notifying LE that there were children back there, but the responding officer failed to check it out. Jaycee and a co-author released a best selling account of her ordeal earlier this year.

Now, she is suing the Federal government. According to the complaint, which was filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on Thursday, the fed bears responsibility because it did not properly supervise her abductor Phillip Garrido. They were responsible for Garrido from the day he was released in 1988 until the state assumed responsibility in 1999, the complaint alleges.

Jaycee plans to donate 100 percent of whatever money she recovers to the JAYC Foundation, Inc., a non-profit that provides support and services for the timely treatment of families recovering from abduction and the aftermath of traumatic experiences.

It is admirable that Jaycee wants to help others and I understand the State of California awarding her $20 million for the terrible ordeal she and her family lived through as a result of failures by LE. I can see her being an advocate, raising awareness and making money for good causes by selling her story. But, I kinda think suing Federal Law Enforcement is counterproductive and too much, even though I understand the complaint. Is she taking it too far or should she take them (well us, the taxpayers) for all she can get? A little conflicted on this one.
The word that comes to mind is gauche. Yeah, I think she's taking it too far. She wrote her book and is making tons of money off that, she won $20 million in California, then to sue Federal Law Enforcement on top of that? Even if it's going to a good cause, it seems over the top to me.

Commando Cunt Queen
Gauche is a good word to describe my first reaction. It makes me wonder who is behind all of this anyway.

Jaycee has no formal education, she was cut off from most of the world from the time she was 11 years old until she was nearly 30, her mom is a soft-spoken woman who has lived her life in slow-paced rural type environment. Nice, simple people. Jaycee is returned home, she doesn't speak for over a year (recovering and building demand?) and then she does a few interviews with major national television stations, a People Magazine cover story, sues the State of CA for $20 mil, writes a best-seller, sets up a non-profit organization, and now files suit against the Fed Govt.

I think someone got ahold of her and her mom as soon as Jaycee and her girls were returned home. Hot commodity. She is being heavily managed and marketed, imo. I hope whomever comprises the management team has her best interests in mind. It's looking like a business enterprise, imo. I'd bet that the 100% she will be donating from any Federal award is AFTER her attorney takes his/her cut. Potentially big pay off for the attorney if that's the case.

Again, in no way minimizing her ordeal or her right to make money from it. Just questioning the motive for trying to take even more money than she was already awarded.
I would feel better about her suing if she kept the money. When you give money to your own charity, you usually pay youself a tidy sum. Just say you are keeping the money for your kids. We would all understand.

This shouldn't have happened. The neighbors should have raised more hell, sue them, too. Honestly, I have no idea what my neighbors do unless they are loud and I hear them. I don't look. I wouldn't move next to a sex offender, but the houses in my subdivision are being foreclosed like a muh, so I may end up living next to one. Or worse...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
I feel sorry for what jaycee went through, but..imo.. i feel she has taken this way too far. for being thankful she is home and already getting millions, plus book sells, interviews etc.. if eel this story is fishy. she lived in the backyard before and after she had children. she could of ran for help at anytime and yet she didnt. she continued to live in the backyard, in tents. i find this very strange and odd. i dont feel this whole story ahs been told correctly and i feel she is playing the media and people in general for all she can get. i hope none of you are angered at what im saying, but i do feel this way.. thanks.[/size][/font][/i][/b]
If you put money into your own non-profit organization do you get a "reasonable" salary to run it tax free?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.