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Hey Duchess...

Alright, Pappy, I googled Muslim Brotherhood The Project and the very first thing I saw was Glenn Beck. Hahahaha! Do you use his books for reference too? You & Dick would get along famously.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
That line of reasoning also attempts to convince people the 911 Twin Towers was a U.S. government plot to get us into a war.

The problem with secrets is too many people would know and too many people would tell (loved ones- spouses- close friends- ).
On the one hand we're told our Government is run by idiots, yet on the other they're smart enough to pull off these elaborate hoaxes/conspiracies.
(10-16-2012, 04:13 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Alright, Pappy, I googled Muslim Brotherhood The Project and the very first thing I saw was Glenn Beck. Hahahaha! Do you use his books for reference too? You & Dick would get along famously.

Read this; read all 12 points of departure at the end.

The Project

This has nothing to do with Glen Beck, and everything to do people who do not have a clue.
(10-16-2012, 04:14 PM)OnBendedKnee Wrote: That line of reasoning also attempts to convince people the 911 Twin Towers was a U.S. government plot to get us into a war.

The problem with secrets is too many people would know and too many people would tell (loved ones- spouses- close friends- ).
On the one hand we're told our Government is run by idiots, yet on the other they're smart enough to pull off these elaborate hoaxes/conspiracies.

You need to get your head out of your ass and look for the truth. You are being lied to by the government and the media.

Thomas Jefferson said:

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."

Just ask, why did they say it was a protest turned violent because of that video?
Well, it shortly came out that it was a pre-planned attack and the video played little or nothing to do with it so what the fuck does it matter? Did they bungle the plans? Idiots!

I glanced at The Project btw, but the type is too small on my phone.
Commando Cunt Queen
(10-16-2012, 04:51 PM)username Wrote: Well, it shortly came out that it was a pre-planned attack and the video played little or nothing to do with it so what the fuck does it matter? Did they bungle the plans? Idiots!

I glanced at The Project btw, but the type is too small on my phone.

It matters!

Ask yourself: why you can look at this thread on your phone as it happens, but the administration had no idea what happened in Libya as it went down? Are you trying to tell me you have more sophisticated technology than the Federal government?

Please don't glance at "The Project"; read it. Read "The Coming Insurrection"; read "Imperial Hubris" and "Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq"; read "See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism" by Robert Baer. Educate yourself; don't believe the media.
pyropappy, any chance you're a member of the John Birch Society? Now, before you get all tiddlywinked, I don't ask to offend you (although after your, "get your head out of your ass" comment, you would think I'd be inclined to want to), but instead would answer volumes of questions regarding you and your politics if you are.
No I am not a member of the John Birch Society; it might suprise you to learn I am actually a democrat and a member of a labor union.

I am someone who has been taught the truth, and I am trying to get people to understand what I have been taught.

I believe in this republic, and we are in jeopardy of losing it. This is not about politics; I despised Bush Jr. as well. I am not all that thrilled about Romney; in my opinion he is a big government progressive. But he has to be better than what we have had for the last four years. And if he isn’t, I will work hard four years from now to remove him.

We are being lied to by the government and the media, and it our responsibility to educate ourselves. That, I am afraid, is a responsibility most of this country has abandoned. This country has lost its honor and moral core. How can we be honorable when we are told bold face lies to every day? How will our children learn right from wrong if we don’t do the right things?

Everyone knows the media is left of center, and they slant the news to fit their agenda. Why would anyone believe them? The media has an 8% approval rating in this country. Why aren’t people checking the references they cite? These are important questions everyone needs to answer for themselves.

Here is another important question no one has asked: why was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi without his protection detail? We find out the answer to that and we will know why the administration made up this story.
Why did Kennedy insist on riding through downtown Dallas back in 1963 in an open air convertible?

Answer that question and we still won't know what you're talking about...
Oh, btw, when I told you to get your head out of your ass I was referring metaphorically to everyone in this country who has abdicated their responsibility. I am sorry I singled you out.
(10-17-2012, 12:16 AM)OnBendedKnee Wrote: Why did Kennedy insist on riding through downtown Dallas back in 1963 in an open air convertible?

Answer that question and we still won't know what you're talking about...

Why don't you know what I am talking about?

Do you know what CAIR is?
What is ISNA?
What is the OIC, and why did Hillary meet with them?
Who are the Salafists and how are they different from the Muslim Brotherhood?
Why is this administration having neogations with Egypt to release the Blind Sheik?

I could go on...
Oh, please do. . .

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[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]