LOSING YOUR SHIT - Printable Version

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LOSING YOUR SHIT - Duchess - 02-21-2014

Have you ever witnessed a public meltdown? I'm not talking about those ridiculous ragequits that most of us have seen, I'm talking about someone losing their shit completely in a very public, real life setting.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - aussiefriend - 02-21-2014

Maybe because of the work that I am in, I have become desensitised to it. People go off on the ward all the time. Some of them get brought in by police after going off in public.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - ramseycat - 02-21-2014

No I have not had the pleasure.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Maggot - 02-21-2014

There was a black guy running naked down the street in a snowstorm in town the other day, he was bare foot and kept falling but he kept running. They said he was doing bath salts or some other horrifying drug. I consider that losing your shit. He ran quite a ways till he slipped and whacked his head on the curb.............THAT stopped him!

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - sally - 02-21-2014

(02-21-2014, 03:04 PM)Maggot Wrote: There was a black guy running naked down the street in a snowstorm in town the other day, he was bare foot and kept falling but he kept running. They said he was doing bath salts or some other horrifying drug. I consider that losing your shit. He ran quite a ways till he slipped and whacked his head on the curb.............THAT stopped him!

You're lucky Maggot, he could have eaten your face off.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Duchess - 02-21-2014

(02-21-2014, 03:19 PM)sally Wrote: You're lucky Maggot, he could have eaten your face off.


It won't be long before that shit is regulated. I'm only kinda kidding.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Maggot - 02-21-2014

Food stamps run amuck.


(02-21-2014, 03:57 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(02-21-2014, 03:19 PM)sally Wrote: You're lucky Maggot, he could have eaten your face off.


It won't be long before that shit is regulated. I'm only kinda kidding.

Already is out here, I think we lead the country in face eaters.

Saw a guy have a meltdown at the grocery store once, hollering, screaming, bawling and squalling, throwing shit, fighting people (cops). They didn't kill him (It was Texas, not L.A.). 2 or 3 got hold of him and pinned him and hauled him off in an ambulance.
Don't know what flipped his switch.
A guy I was in the Air Force with got drunk one night, stabbed a guy in the chest with a broken off broom handle screaming about being the Black Jesus.
He did a stint in the rubber room on base and then they put him out. I wasn't there at the time but was somebody close.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - username - 02-22-2014

I've been helping this 50 year old woman lately. It started with rides here and there, then it was helping her learn how to at least press the talk button on her cell phone and now she's signed up for classes (beginner) to learn how to use her MAC. I took her down to the Apple Store and she asked me to stay with her but I said I was sure she could handle it, just give them her name etc., they'll look it up and get her signed up. So off I go and 20 minutes later, I hear "Sue, Suuuuuuuuuuuueee" from across the store. She's having a fucking melt down because they can't get her signed up so I had to get between her and the salesperson and we got it all worked out in about 2 minutes. She stormed out of there and the salesperson kept apologizing to me because he wasn't able to help her and then he said she pushed him. SHE PUSHED HIM!!! I was freaking horrified. Anyway, now they want me to stay with her during her classes. I took her stupid MAC home and got it all straightened out (it didn't help that she kept saying her ISP was Comcast when, in fact, she has Verizon). Got her an email address (and even a gmail address for junk mail although I can't imagine her using it). God damn, it took me 30 minutes and 3 pages of her taking notes to teach her how to use a damn MP3 player I set up for her. I finally told her to take the damn thing out for her walks and just push buttons. It's not like she was going to break it...she's all happy now listening to her music (when she's not pushing innocent salespeople around).

And she's come pretty damn close to losing it with me on occasion.

I've adopted a complete nut case. No wonder I have no time anymore. 52

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - aussiefriend - 02-22-2014

Oh God User, that is not a safe relationship. You have become over-involved, you are way out of your depth, put some distance there.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Duchess - 02-22-2014

(02-22-2014, 03:51 AM)username Wrote: SHE PUSHED HIM!!!

Whoa. You might want to explain to her that touching another person in an offensive manner can lead to charges being brought against her.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - aussiefriend - 02-22-2014

She needs to get her and her children away from her, that could be the tip of the iceberg.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - ramseycat - 02-22-2014

She's 50 and can't use a cell phone? How did you hook up with this lady?

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - sally - 02-22-2014

I believe User mentioned in another post that the woman is intellectually disabled. She's a mildly retarded woman User is helping out, not some maniac she met at the bus stop.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Cynical Ninja - 02-22-2014

Its happening more and more over here.

I was on the bus a while ago and the guy sitting across from me was texting on his phone and he suddenly stood up and screamed “THE BASTARDS! FOR FUCKS SAKE!” And got off the bus ranting and raving and screaming.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - aussiefriend - 02-22-2014

I love that shit!

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Duchess - 02-22-2014

You're in the right biz then, honey. hah

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - username - 02-22-2014

(02-22-2014, 07:18 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(02-22-2014, 03:51 AM)username Wrote: SHE PUSHED HIM!!!

Whoa. You might want to explain to her that touching another person in an offensive manner can lead to charges being brought against her.

Jail? I can only hope. 50

Seriously, my helping her has become a major time sucker and I'm going to have to break it to her that I've got other shit to do.

I took her to a gym to sign up and she kept asking the lady if somebody would be helping her and "do they have charts". I told her at least 3 times that somebody would walk her through the machines once and then if she had a specific question, she could ask it. Otherwise, I explained she was getting in to personal trainer territory which costs extra. She said "but what about charts"? I said, "B, I'll print you out some charts, ok"? The saleslady suddenly looks at me and says I can work out there for free for a month. B got all pissed and left because the lady offered me the free month (and it wasn't a about "her" anymore). I shrugged and said it wasn't a bad idea because we could work out together, take turns on the machines so I could help her. She said "yeah, but what about ME? Would you be watching ME"? I told her if she thought I was going to go to a gym and stand around watching her workout, she'd lost her fucking marbles. Smiley_emoticons_slash

Now suddenly she wants me to go with her, she doesn't care about the other stuff but could I pleeeease show her the cardio machines and we'll do that together for 30 minutes or so AND IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Just shoot me.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - Maggot - 02-22-2014

Get on the highway and on the off ramp push her out.

RE: LOSING YOUR SHIT - aussiefriend - 02-22-2014

(02-22-2014, 08:31 PM)Maggot Wrote: Get on the highway and on the off ramp push her out.

hey, it was the drain pump. they have to send away for the parts and I have to slum it for about 10 days.