Fuckin' Wal-Mart - Printable Version

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- Sinister - 06-09-2008

Yeah, I shop at Wal-Mart. I don't give a fuck about the political bullshit wrapped up in the place, they have the lowest prices for a bunch of shit I buy, so that's where I go. I'm fucking cheap, so I go where I can spend the least.

So I went today to buy asswipe. That was all I needed and I grabbed a big package of it and went to pay for it.

On my way out, the stupid cunts that stand at the door checking your receipt against what you bought stopped me and said she had to mark my receipt which was in my fucking hand. I told her to get the fucking store manager.

She asked if there was a problem. I said "Yeah there's a fucking problem, I asked for your manager and I don't see him." When the manager came over to me I told him I had purchased ONE item, had the fucking receipt in my hand and didn't appreciate being stopped by some porch monkey to mark her little highlighter shit on my receipt.

He said it was company policy to do so.

To which I replied that I don't give a flying FUCK what his "policy" is, store security isn't even allowed to detain me, much less some bimbo with a fucking marker.

The manager said they could detain anyone they chose. I told him to try and stop me from leaving and I would own his fucking Wal-Mart. The only way they could stop me from leaving would be to tackle me, and if even that worked, I'd slap 14 different kinds of fucking lawsuits on him and have 9 people's jobs for touching me.

For those who are unaware; you do NOT have to stop for those idiots. They have no right legally whatsoever to detain you.

- Lady Cop - 06-09-2008

absolutely correct Sinister...nobody but management and loss prevention officer can make a stop, and that has to be outside if they are sure you swiped something. i did that job for a year before i became a real cop, i can stop the thieving scumwads in the store and make them assume the position.

those door-greeters have no authority whatsoever, and even if the dumbass alarm goes off, they can't do anything if you keep walking. half the time the alarm goes off because some nitwit checkout idiot didn't disable the tag.

- Sinister - 06-09-2008

jackboots Wrote:those door-greeters have no authority whatsoever, and even if the dumbass alarm goes off, they can't do anything if you keep walking. half the time the alarm goes off because some nitwit checkout idiot didn't disable the tag.
Well, I have you to thank for that knowledge. Ever since this was discussed elsewhere I've been waiting to rip someone's face off for trying this shit.

- Lady Cop - 06-09-2008

walmart is paranoid about someone making a bad stop and suing their multigazillion-dollar asses off. they sure aren't going to authorize semi-vegetative door greeters to tackle you!

in some fairness, the greeters are supposed to check your purchases when the alarm goes off because they like to monitor the harvard grads who are screwing up at the register.

- Sinister - 06-09-2008

jackboots Wrote:in some fairness, the greeters are supposed to check your purchases when the alarm goes off because they like to monitor the harvard grads who are screwing up at the register.

Then they need to figure out another fucking way to monitor their idiot cashiers. I can think of 14 people right off the top of my head who would physically clobber the shit out of one of those dimwits.

To me, that system is like saying, "We assume you're stealing, so we're going to check your shit to be sure you're not". Accused and tried all in one fell swoop. Bull-fuckin'-shit.

- Lady Cop - 06-09-2008

the true purpose of loss prevention is not actually just busting shoplifters. the cashiers cost the company more in losses because they figure out how to steal, to under-ring their buddies, and 'misplace' money. hell, i had cameras on the cashiers, not the public. i've busted the photo center employees too. and phone company employees, etc. etc. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

there is a body language and a 'smell' about shoplifters and thieves, regardless of description. i never used cameras, just used my 'gut'.

- Sinister - 06-09-2008

You have to trust your gut. Mine has rarely let me down. I used to amuse myself with going into a strange bar and watching for a while and figuring out which bartenders were stealing, which waitresses were dealing dope, etc. I could probably start a business doing that sort of security for bars. No matter what sort of "preventive" a bar owner has in place, there are ways around it. I've worked in every type of bar you can think of, from fine dining to the corner blue collar bar. And I've figured out a way to get past every single "preventive" they have. Never stole a dime because I didn't need to. I made great cash, but I've shown bar owners how I could get around their systems.

- Maggot - 06-09-2008

Wal-mart sucks I would rather pay more and buy get what you pay for.Years agoI bought a shovel there saved myself 2 bucks what did it get me? A fucking red shovel that pissed red dye everywhere and the fucking thing broke after half a deserve whatever hassle you got by going there.

Go ahead buy the shit food they sell there, it's probably cardboard enhanced. They treat their employees like shit and deserve to get taken down. So what it's cheap. So are the people that run the shit-hole. But if you like junk have at it.

Cheap is not the long run, I did not mean to go this long but They truly suck shit.

- Sinister - 06-09-2008

I don't give a shit if you don't like them. Their pharmacy alone saves me EIGHTY bucks a month and the asswipe I just bought today was 3 bucks cheaper than any I've seen anywhere else. Leaving my other pharmacy and going to Wal-Mart has paid my cable/internet bill every month.

You do get what you pay for but I'm not there to buy fucking kitchen appliances.

- LuMPyPussy - 06-09-2008

Have you ever seen Dawn of the Dead? All the zombies in a shopping mall... just like Wal-Mart. Christ, the customers in those stores get me absolutely livid with the way they shuffle like cattle down a chute. And I've seen parents with their toddlers screaming their lungs out at 1 fucking AM. Go home, you crank freak, and take care of your kid.

I HATE Wal-Mart!

- Sinister - 06-09-2008

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Have you ever seen Dawn of the Dead? All the zombies in a shopping mall... just like Wal-Mart. Christ, the customers in those stores get me absolutely livid with the way they shuffle like cattle down a chute. And I've seen parents with their toddlers screaming their lungs out at 1 fucking AM. Go home, you crank freak, and take care of your kid.

I HATE Wal-Mart!

Heh. One of the last times I was there, some fat nigger bitch was parked at the end of a parking lane and blocking traffic. The fat cunt was talking on her phone. I parked and when I went by, I heard her talking into her phone saying, "Oh, I'm at 12 mile, I thought I was on Harper". I yelled back, "Wherever the fuck you are, you're blocking fucking traffic" and flipped her the bird. She screeched that she would knock me out as I was walking away. Naturally, I turned back around, walked up to her SUV, punched the door and told her to step out or shut the fuck up. She rolled up her window and locked her door.

I've been waiting for nearly 2 years to open up on someone, and when the opportunity arises, I meet up with a fucking loudmouth chickenshit coward bitch. Figures.

- Lady Cop - 06-09-2008

my favorite thing about all my many hours in walmart was the numerous 437- pound redneck trailer-dwelling females wearing spandex halter tops. DON'T THOSE WALRUSESOWN MIRRORS??? ::boobs::

god, the sights you see when you don't have your gun. ::gunner::

- LuMPyPussy - 06-09-2008

That there's them's idear of dressin' up.

- STFU - 06-09-2008

I never stop. Never have andnever will,unless of course some asshole that did stop is blocking the way and I have to go around them. In the past I have had them yell to me to stop, to wait, "we have to check that",I wasn't interestedon those daysand don't see it ever being the case.

Not that I need to explain the logic but, they way I see it is that it's my stuff once I have paid for it and I'm not interested in having them look through it. If the buzzer sounds and or they want to attempt to detain me, go for it ...

*Good Topic

- Cynical Ninja - 06-10-2008

Wal-Mart owns the British supermarket chain Asda.

When they took over they immediately turned all the staff into Nazi clones with fixed grins, gone was the individual customer service from fellow human beings.

I have seen the warehouse of my local branch and they have buzzwords and phrases hung up on the walls and ceilings like banners in the third reich.

I still shop there though, its cheap so fuck it.

- Necro - 06-10-2008

Dammit, Wal Mart is more homo sexual than Elton John himself.

- Middle Finger - 06-10-2008

Necro Wrote:Dammit, Wal Mart is more homo sexual than Elton John himself.

- Sinister - 06-10-2008

Nitwit wrote:
Quote:Dammit, Wal Mart is more homo sexual than Elton John himself.

If saving my money makes me appear queer, so be it. And fuck you. ::bigg::

BTW....nothing is more homo than Elton John.

- Middle Finger - 06-10-2008

Sinister Wrote:[color="orange"]Nitwit [/color]wrote:
Quote:Dammit, Wal Mart is more homo sexual than Elton John himself.

If saving my money makes me appear queer, so be it. And fuck you. ::bigg::

BTW....nothing is more homo than Elton John.
George Michaels and Boy George want to contend.

- Sinister - 06-10-2008

Middle Finger Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:Nitwit wrote:
Quote:Dammit, Wal Mart is more homo sexual than Elton John himself.

If saving my money makes me appear queer, so be it. And fuck you. ::bigg::

BTW....nothing is more homo than Elton John.
George Michaels and Boy George want to contend.

George Michaels.....George Michaels....<Sinister scritching her head>

Boy George is a close second....but.....George Michaels.......Who the fuck is George Michaels????