Creationist NOW boycitting Dr Pepper!! - Printable Version

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Creationist NOW boycitting Dr Pepper!! - QueenBee - 09-15-2012

[/b]Over their newest ad campaign on Facebook.

~~If you’re in the mood to draw ire from people with excruciatingly rigid beliefs, the Internet is generally a good place to start. While you’re at it, might as well pick a particularly polarizing topic. Why not evolution?
[Image: drpepperfb2.jpg]

Now, that probably wasn’t exactly how the conversation went down over at the marketing offices of Dr. Pepper, but a recent ad for the soft drink posted on Facebook — with the slogan “Evolution of Flavor” — sparked a healthy dose of controversy nonetheless. Based on the iconic evolution diagram “March of Progress,” the ad features an ape who, after drinking Dr. Pepper, turns into a man. The ad went up Thursday, and by Friday had garnered more than 26,000 “Likes” and over 4,000 comments.

This is, of course, still the Internet — so plenty of comments in question are loaded with snark from people who mainly appear to be provoking for the sake of provocation. Several commenters, however, expressed disapproval of Dr. Pepper — believing, apparently, that the ad showed support for the scientific theory of evolution — and vowing to boycott the product. “I ain’t no freaking chimp. No more Dr Pepper for my household. God Bless y’all,” one user wrote. Another chimed in with, “I have lost all respect for Dr Pepper and if Dr Pepper wants business from thousands of people they will need to apologize.”

As the debate roiled on, pro-evolution commenters expressed their support of the company, vowing to stand by Dr Pepper no matter what. One person, for example, promised he’d continue drinking the soda even “if they announced they pissed in the formula.”

No matter what you believe regarding evolution, creationism, Christianity, Dr. Pepper, unicorns, cyborgs, narwhals or anything else, the campaign was a huge if inadvertent win for the soft drink company. As one Facebook commenter points out, “DR Pepper scored with this one. It’s all over the internet now. The Creationists just made this ad famous. Sweet, sweet irony.”

RE: Creationist NOW boycitting Dr Pepper!! - Maggot - 09-15-2012

I think Dr. Pepper is pretty good. But I cannot drink an entire case of it. A can every week or so is O.K. though. Just like church once a week is about as much as a person can handle otherwise stupid shit starts to happen in the brain.

RE: Creationist NOW boycitting Dr Pepper!! - OnBendedKnee - 09-15-2012

Dr Pepper dropped the period ( after, "dr") years ago in their logo. There was no controversy then, there shouldn't be now.

RE: Creationist NOW boycitting Dr Pepper!! - ZEROSPHERES - 09-16-2012

Dr Pepper Factoid[Image: img-dr-pepper-breakout-box-2-10-2-4_154504302956.png]

"Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4 o'clock," was the slogan for an ad campaign for Dr. Pepper that began in 1927. A study that year authored by a Dr. Walter H. Eddy "found that human energy dropped to its lowest point at 10:30am, at 2:30pm and again at 4:30pm daily." J.B. O'Hara of Dr. Pepper asked Tracy-Locke-Dawson Inc. (an ad agency), to design a campaign around that information. The agency held a contest, and Earle Racey, one of their copywriters, won with his "10-2-4" idea--the idea being that drinking the sugary, caffeinated soda at 10am, 2pm, and 4pm would perk you up and get you through those impending energy drops a half-hour later. The slogan has endured in one form or another ever since.

[Image: 9-16-201212-53-40AM-1.jpg]