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Legitimate questions for Mockers????
(04-24-2011, 09:55 AM)Cracker Wrote: OP, there is something wrong with the people in our country. Forty percent of us work for a living and pay the other sixty percent to slack off. I don't mind Social Security for retired persons. They earned it. I do mind handouts to "disabled" people who blew out their brains cells getting drunk and high. I don't mind paying for kids if their parents are having a hard year or two. I do mind paying for couples who never marry so they can cheat the system and have numerous kids on our dime.

As much as you seem to hate the Tea Party advocates, you have to recognize they are instruments of change. If we don't change now, right now, we will have lost our chance forever. Working people limit their offspring to what they can afford. Pieces of shit have as many as they can so they get more of our money. The pieces of shit already outnumber us. When they all reach voting age, we are totally screwed. This is the working person's last chance to protect the future income of our own children. I don't want my own kids busting their asses to pay for the asshole kids who don't care. It's bad enough they have to share a classroom with a bunch of losers, I don't want them to house and feed the same useless brats for their entire lives.

60% of American people are sucking the government tit? that's shocking if it's true, that's even worse than the UK and we have more than our fair share of wasters who haven't worked a day in their life.

I agree you do seem to have a major problem but, honestly, if the tea baggers are the only solution to that problem? then GOD BLESS AMERICA!

That would literally be a case of the lunatics running the asylum.

I can remember Sarah Palin was pictured during a speech with the word "cuts" written on the palm of her hand in pen, that's like Wile E Coyote going around with the word "roadrunner" written on his hand.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Legitimate questions for Mockers???? - by Cynical Ninja - 04-24-2011, 12:54 PM