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Do you ever wonder about people you don't know?
Yes. I think if you have a heart at all, you can't help wondering about people you don't know.
We had 2 bad weather weather related tragedys in the last 10 days that were really on my mind and I know none of these people.
The first was a UPS man getting killed 2 blocks away during a thunderstorm. A wind shear knocked over a tree and it fell on his truck and killed him instantly.
The second was one of the victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse was a local woman. She just graduated college and was supposed to start a new teaching job on Monday. One man just doing his job and a woman going out to have a good time and see a concert. It makes you think about a lot of uncomfortable shit. Here one minute...gone the next.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Do you ever wonder about people you don't know? - by FAHQTOO - 08-20-2011, 02:05 PM