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NC Amendment One - Gay Marriage Pro or Con?
This *amendment* is nothing but a tax waster.

This amendment bars the state from recognizing any legal domestic union other than marriage, including partnerships between unmarried men and women.

I have been in a very happy long term relationship with my *Other Half* for over 7 yrs. I don't want to legally tie myself to anyone ever again nor does he. However according to this crappy *whatever you call it* thing, we are horrid horrid people. We pay our bills, pay our taxes and go on. We call each other husband and wife because at our age, 44 yrs old, we get noses turned down on us more often than not. However I bet pennies to dollars we are more happy and healthy mentally than those Bible thumpers that tell us we are wrong and sinners and should not be allowed to live like we are.

As long as I am not doing anything illegial, the government needs to stop wasting tax payers money and stay out of not just my womb but also my bedroom! Spend the money where it should be used---on getting our backwards ass country out of this recession!

Messages In This Thread
RE: NC Amendment One - Gay Marriage Pro or Con? - by Tammy75 - 04-18-2012, 12:22 AM