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The 2013 Trivial, Boring Drivel Thread....
I spent my New Years at the Nashville Science Museum. They threw a big Ol' event for the kids. It was called Happy Noon Year. They had a disco dance. They had a few stations set up to make party hats, noise makers, and tick tock make a clock. My son and I had a great time. He just loves the Science Museum. Smiley_emoticons_smile Oh yah, they also did a toast to the New Year with sparkling soda and a balloon drop with bubble wrap stomp. I'd post pics but I probably embarrass myself by letting you assholes see me crawling like a kid through tunnels and such. :hah: Hope everyone else had a wonderful New Years. I hate to admit it but I miss you Motherlovas. 50

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RE: The 2013 Trivial, Boring Drivel Thread.... - by JsMom - 01-03-2013, 09:03 AM