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The 2013 Trivial, Boring Drivel Thread....
^ That's very well put. I understand and I liked the Rifleman and all that he stood for too.

Along with being a righteous Rifleman, I also admired Lucas for being a great father and a hard-working ranchman, who just happened to look good chopping wood (even though his jeans were high-waters, not his fault - just the times). Plus, I like checking out old memorabilia, even though I don't collect any.

Anyway, I won't joke about the McCains again. I know how it feels; it makes me mad when people mock Gumby and Pokey, good-hearted characters who regularly fought the good fight against those havoc-wreaking blockheads. Smiley_emoticons_smile

The good old days...

Messages In This Thread
RE: The 2013 Trivial, Boring Drivel Thread.... - by HairOfTheDog - 03-11-2013, 10:50 PM