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BREAKING: Shooting at Conn. Elementary School
To answer your question, HotD, raising kids is different now than when my parents were raising me decades ago. Parents try to be friends or buddies with their kids. Not applying discipline when needed, not checking out their kids friends, computers and social media. It's all about giving them "self esteem" (which one has to earn for oneself) and "space" and "privacy".

Kids have so little responsibility now. Many middle class (and lower class) families don't have chores for their kids. Mom and Dad run around doing all the house/yard work while Junior and Jane play video games and on the computer. Kids are given everything their hearts desire within their parents budget without having to work for it. Give anyone nothing to do but please themselves and I guarantee that they will get in some kind of trouble.

Of course I am not addressing severe mental illness like Adam's. His mother and father bear a huge responsibility for this massacre. Mom paid for it with her life, Dad will continue to pay for the rest of his.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BREAKING: Shooting at Conn. Elementary School - by Cheyne - 12-09-2013, 11:39 PM