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Michael Dunn Trial: The Murder of Jordan Davis
I think he will be convicted.

I am NOT trying to defend him but I lived with *this thug music* rattling my windows from 4AM (thug was warming his car for 45 minutes with radio WIDE open outside my bedroom window---so he could take his girlfriend to work and then come home and start to drink and smoke until she got off work), causing headaches, anxiety to the point I was terrified to go outside, fearing for my dogs that stayed outside in our fenced in back yard and coming home to food, paint ball shots, etc and finally a dog that got out of the fence after 7 yrs of him not going near the fence or gate (oh there was a pit bull that was always in heat chained within a foot of our fenceline...) hearing f* this, mf* that, Gd* for hours(I am no prude and curse like a sailor....but never in front of people especially kids much less my stepdaugther), declining parenting time at our home for my Stepdaughter, cops at our home every other day, etc etc etc for six LONG months from December 2011-June 2012.

Cops could never catch him distrubing the peace because that jackarse had a police scanner---one of the skills he learned in years in jail.

Now 6 months of torture is different than a couple of minutes but toward the end me, the girl who will never own a gun, considered getting one for the first time in 45 yrs. There were times I would have shot this thug if I had a gun.

I suffered PTSD for almost a year when I heard the bass of a car. I would actually get the shakes and freeze in terror.

So part of me understands.......

I know I know totally different circumstances but part of me does understand someone snapping because if I was not normally a so stable person, I could have gotten myself into something I never intended to.

Again I think he will be convicted but wonder if I had had a different outcome of my former thug neighbor, would I have had a defense on the actions I went through in my head daily?????

Messages In This Thread
RE: Michael Dunn Trial: The Murder of Jordan Davis - by Tammy75 - 02-12-2014, 12:50 AM