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‘Scuse me, America…wtf happened?
I remember Duchess saying something about me,  something like that I was a combination of bitch and patting myself on the back for helping the homeless  (or something like that,  it was a while ago and I'm not interested in digging it up).   But anyway,  I have a friend who organizes a 'day of caring ' for the homeless every couple of weeks.   She takes in and washes clothing donations,  does food drives, approaches hair dressors to get free haircuts for the homeless,  and gets a local restaurant to donate cooked grab and go meals.  
She doesn't get a fucking penny to do all this, she just does it.    She also has a 4 foot trump sign in her yard.  
She must be insane for supporting trump and worrying about the homeless.   The nerve of her for volunteering her time and efforts.   

I have yet to meet one fucking liberal Democrat,  who volunteers their time for anything that doesn't benefit themselves. Not one!  As a matter of fact,  everyone I know,  who volunteers for a cause that actually helps people,  is also a Republican.   
Liberals will only help if it involves getting paid, or benefits them somehow.

Messages In This Thread
‘Scuse me, America…wtf happened? - by crash - 08-15-2023, 09:46 AM
RE: ‘Scuse me, America…wtf happened? - by cannongal - 08-31-2023, 04:46 PM