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Engaging Primitive drives all at once changy Duchess.
Ive been reading around the subject of pot and have changed my views about it, i see now its harmless.    How did the hot boxing go ching?    Being a bit brighter than you i can develop that further.  You dont need to get in your car, just light up under a blanket with holes cut for your eyes.      You can tape the holes around your eyes so no glorious pot can escape, you can then light up and watch tv at the same time.

Taping up the doors and windows to stop seepage is too much trouble, can i recommend Rupert bear videos.   If you had the wit, a current lover could be pleasing you at the same time, and you could be drinking jack and coke at the same time, with a burger in easy reach.
Sounds good?     You could be dressed as Barbara Streisand, with a wholly unsuitable wig.

With a look of ecstasy on your face, this time with good reason.   What do you think Duchess?,   A sort of one stop for getting off  in all sorts of ways, ALL AT ONCE.

Your welcome.

Messages In This Thread
Engaging Primitive drives all at once changy Duchess. - by Piglet - 04-25-2023, 06:24 AM