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Caylee Anthony. NO JUSTICE
I am surprised that the 21 year old man was dismissed. He was a juror of
her peers more than a couple of the dumber than rock ladies. I did not hear
all of his answers; did he say something reprehensible or irresponsible? Or
was he too swishy for the lawyers?
there is no way in hell this trial will start Tuesday. they still do not have a full jury + alternates.

i can't stand the repetition, didn't listen for most of the day.
the Orlando Sentinel and WESH are good sites for play-by-play & wrap-ups on jury selection.

mayberry mason---->

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and on it drags....

Attorneys and the chief judge presiding over the jury selection process for Casey Anthony's first-degree murder trial made headway today, bringing the total of prospective panel members to 17 by the afternoon.

Those 17 prospective jurors passed the initial rounds in a Pinellas County courtroom. However, none has been sworn in and any could still be eliminated by the state or defense, which has nine and eight preemptory challenges, respectively.

defense does NOT want young mothers on this jury. theoretically, they could strike most of this jury and it would start all over. delay delay.

the get lower and more despicable just when i think they can't...
this is intentional BS hoo haa during jury selection.
and you can't have anyone profiting from poor Caylee...except cindy.

Orlando Sentinel

May 17, 2011

George and Cindy Anthony are trade-marking their granddaughter's name, as well as "Justice for Caylee," so people won't be able use or sell items with the toddler's likeness, their lawyer told the Orlando Sentinel today.

Caylee Marie Anthony's picture has appeared on fliers, t-shirts and other items ever since the 2-year-old was reported missing in the summer of 2008.

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ad infinitum.

they better not have opening statements monday!! NOOOOOOOO Nowhy
i have waited 3 years and have an appt. i can't weasel out of monday AM. shit!! it hasn't been set yet, i am so hoping it's friday. but the defense doesn't like anyone, half these prospective jurors have said they think she's guilty. Smiley_emoticons_fies

News 13


Jury selection for the Casey Anthony murder trial will continue into its ninth day Wednesday.

As court started Tuesday, lawyers for both the state and defense exercised "back-strikes" and took six jurors out of the pool.

Four more challenges during the afternoon took out four previously approved jurors.

Now the number of retained jurors is up to 11 -- five males and six females.

Five jurors will return Wednesday morning to be questioned.

"Time is of the essence," Perry said Tuesday morning. "When these folks get here, we gonna be rockin' and rollin’. Take short breaks for you to gobble something down but, other than short breaks, we're gonna continue to work."

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day 9 jury selection.

holy shit! Smiley_emoticons_shocked

Judge has announced they no longer have use of this courtroom by end of business tomorrow...Thursday.

damn defense is dragging this out, looking for tiny appeal issues and delaying all they can. they want a mistrial i think.

Judge may need to use a community center to get another jury pool if they don't swear a jury very soon. courtrooms that are available for a lengthy jury selection are not a dime a dozen. they are booked with their own dockets.

i have never seen anything like this.

edit to they can have courtroom friday and sat. maybe opening statements monday.


they came back from lunch, foghorn mason told Judge he needs to talk to client about some 'matter'. Judge recessed until tomorrow morning! is there a plea in the offing?? bozo was not in courtroom. HELLS BELLS! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

or an appeal because defense does not like the jury selection process?

(05-12-2011, 01:29 PM)IMaDick Wrote: While she shouldn't be touching her, on that I agree, it's part of the play book, it takes some of the scariness away from CA for people to see someone who is not afraid to touch her.

It's psychology 101, humanise the defendant.

it will make the plea deal i think the judge is expecting much easier for the jury to deal with.

from death to life or even homicide 2 with the possibility of parole after 30 years or some other diminished charge, based on the mitigating circumstances.

Don't forget you heard it here first folks, the defense wants the death penalty off the table.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Dick: Don't forget you heard it here first folks, the defense wants the death penalty off the table.

well yeah, of course they do!

did you see what just happened? (post 147)

IF there is a plea in the offing, i hope the state won't accept it.

or mason ran off to file an emergency appeal.

(05-18-2011, 01:16 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: SOMETHING IS UP!

they came back from lunch, foghorn mason told Judge he needs to talk to client about some 'matter'. Judge recessed until tomorrow morning! is there a plea in the offing?? bozo was not in courtroom. HELLS BELLS! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

or an appeal because defense does not like the jury selection process?

Yeah, I'd say Jose is off filing an appeal. Probably what that young lady attorney was doing in court today. The defense has probably had this in the works for a few days, at least.

mason is the motion man.

did bozo leave the team?

are they trying to recuse Judge? he's been scrupulous!

she's (the young lady attny) been admitted to the bar for one month. they probably would let her file their lunch requests. they let her speak this morning, but it was just for the record/future appeal. they are not happy and something is going to derail this process.

I think they have her doing the research. She named a few case laws, but was not very good at presenting the defenses case. My bet is on an interlocutory appeal ( one before a final judgment). It would fit in with the defenses style. Motion after motion after motion...

I have read the rules and procedures for sitting a jury in FL. Judge Perry is going by the law. When he gets 12 he can swear those twelve in and move on to alternates. There has been no error, or misconduct by this judge.

For some reason Baez thinks he should be able to go on and on and on until he has the jurors that he wants. It does not work that way. There are limits. It is the judges duty to set those limits.

If this is about a plea deal, I will be amazed.
They are trying to talk the defendant out of going to trial, she will be found guilty and she will get the death sentence and in 10 or 15 years she will be executed in florida.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams



Source: Baez Illness Caused Jury Selection Recess
Judge Perry Orders Recess Until 8:30 A.M.

Read more:
not sure i'm buying the illness story. mason could have carried on since they are under a gun time-wise. something more nefarious is up i suspect. Smiley_emoticons_fies

edit to add later, bozo said in a tweet it was a 'private' matter.

hah hah hah ----->

check out Jeff Ashton looking at mason

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I bet she is going to take the plea bargain, if they will allow it. Good day to wear black Casey. You twat!

"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed."

- Albert Einstein
love Marc! Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

from nancy grace last night:

To Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids, the father of Polly who was kidnapped and murdered.

Marc, I want to hear your thoughts on a possible plea and what you think is going down in that courtroom.

KLAAS: Well, as I said before, anything less than life without the possibility of parole would be political suicide for the district attorney. I think that she would probably take that at this point. Ultimately with these people --

GRACE: Marc, Marc, no, no, no. To hell with politics. I don`t care.

KLAAS: No, listen.

GRACE: I want to know what you think. You`ve been there.

KLAAS: Sure.

GRACE: What do you think about a sweetheart deal?

KLAAS: Well, I hope that there`s no sweetheart deal. I hope that there`s nothing less than life without the possibility of parole. But she right now is looking at her own mortality. She realizes and understands that she may be sent to the execution chamber. DIE

In my experience with these characters is they will do anything to avoid their own execution. And if she thinks that it`s a very real possibility, she might be willing to plead to life without the possibility of parole, and then be the big fish in the small pond.

I believe that she has no problem with women`s sexuality. I think that that is something that she would probably enjoy. She would be able to play and be played over the course of the rest of her life.

the always-classy casey searching for her child and peeing in a parking lot in Orlando nightclub---->

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after seeing this random sampling of the residents of florida, I'm completely convinced we need to pay spain to take florida back asap.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Ha Ha! Did anybody see that crazy outburst in the courtroom today? A mentally challenged woman shouted "she killed someone anyway" while they had a potential juror on the stand. The woman was sited with contempt and given 2 days in jail. She was quite a character. Pretty entertaining!!! They had to dismiss the juror. The judge was not too pleased since they already behind
here's the whackjob Kitty posted about...a total mess. but famous cases attract all kinds. she was at court because her "fiance" is in jail and had a hearing. i'd love to get a look at him. hah

it was funny, but shows that someone could have come in there and attacked the defendant. casey is hated in florida.

News 13
While the judge was interviewing a potential alternate juror, a woman sitting in the gallery shouted, "She killed somebody anyway!"

The woman, who later identified herself as Elizabeth Ann Rogers, was taken out of the courtroom by a Pinellas County deputy, and Judge Perry had no choice but to ask the juror being questioned to step out of the courtroom.

After a brief recess, the judge called Rogers back into the courtroom. In tears, she explained and repeatedly apologized for her actions, saying she was at the courthouse for another reason, but she wanted to see this case for herself.

Rogers, 29, identified herself as mentally challenged and listed numerous disorders, including bipolar disorder, manic depression, multiple personality disorder and ADHD. She then said she needed to take her medication.

"Please don't punish me," she begged Judge Perry. "I may have made a mistake, but I'm not a bad person."

The judge held her in contempt of court, and sentenced Rogers to two days in the Pinellas County Jail, but told her she would have been sentenced to 179 days if it was not for her disability.

note, i think she exaggerated her mental disability, and also has a criminal history. if Judge Perry had known that, he may have been sentenced her to more.

Records show Rogers, also known as Elizabeth Reid, has a history of run-ins with the law in Pinellas and Citrus counties. In the past decade, she has been arrested on charges of possession of paraphernalia, cocaine possession, battery, giving a false name to law enforcement and DUI.

She is currently on probation, after a 2009 conviction on charges of passing worthless checks. She was sentenced to three years of probation in that case, stemming from a 2009 arrest.

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