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Do you know anyone....
....who takes a fucking hour to tell a story that can be told in 2 minutes? Geezus cripes that makes me crazy, especially on the fucking phone.

What the fuck is wrong with people who can't just tell me the neccesary information, as briefly as possible, and then get to the fucking point??!?!

I just got a phone call that I couldn't ignore but hoped would be short. Nooooo, no short phone calls for Sinister today.

The fucking story was about a recipe, which

A) I don't fucking cook, so couldn't possibly care less about
B) then led on a trail about the person with the recipe being in the hospital for blood clots in her legs. Why do I care about this either, and what the FUCK does it have to do with the story??!!!?!? Nothing, apparently; this person just likes the sound of their own voice. ::bang::

If you must call me, remember 2 things; I hate talking on the phone for more than 3 minutes and if you're going to bother me with your inane shit, try to consider whether it is worth my wrath to annoy me with your shit in the first fucking place.

A mate of mine Scott, always bores me with golfing anecdotes even though he knows I think golf is more boring than watching paint dry.
Any conversation can be turned into a boring as fuck golfing anecdote, I give up trying to stop him he is relentless.
And the stories are never concise i.e - "I hit the ball it didn't go in the hole" he goes into ridiculous detail, the wind strength and direction, the lie of the ball, how he chose which club to use........AAAARRRGGGHHH! shut the fuck up Scott you boring cunt!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Precisely what I mean, man. The excruciating detail that just makes my eyes glaze over and wish for a coma....yeah; you know what I meant.
Like Sin, i HATE talking on the phone. only my sister is exempt since she is not online.

the sheriff office used to call at all hours to try to make me come in on my infrequent days off, i never answered, and if they sent a cruiser to my house i put out my doormat that says "not without a warrant". ::bigg::

I despise the phone. I will go out of my way NOT to call people.
Hell with your phone call festish..........send me the dam receipt
I HATE talking on the phone. Caller id is the best thing ever! One of my closest riends calls me all the time and while I do like talking to her and we can share anything, she will analyze and talk a subject to death. There are a lot of time I don't answer the phone because I don't feel like dealing. So then she calls my cell. I don't answer that either. Then she will call back an hour later. It drives me insane. I don't have two hours every night to chat on the phone. I have shit to do.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:I HATE talking on the phone. Caller id is the best thing ever! One of my closest riends calls me all the time and while I do like talking to her and we can share anything, she will analyze and talk a subject to death. There are a lot of time I don't answer the phone because I don't feel like dealing. So then she calls my cell. I don't answer that either. Then she will call back an hour later. It drives me insane. I don't have two hours every night to chat on the phone. I have shit to do.
The shit you do is linger around here and act like a brain damagedsoup chicken. I can speak for everyone outside of the soupies when I tell you to just take the phone call and leave your computer turned off.
If I did that Moose, I wouldn't be able to have such delightful conversations with you. And I don't want to miss that. ::bvomit::
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:If I did that Moose, I wouldn't be able to have such delightful conversations with you. And I don't want to miss that. ::bvomit::

Bring your welfare story to some other site. Poor people like you suck.