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So today, I had my little boy over in the playground and there was a small pack of kids playing, and a few dark skinned kids kept calling each other 'nigger!' this and 'nigger!' that.

After a couple of times, I walked over and said "You know, I really don't want that ugly word used around my little boy". They looked at me like suddenly grew a couple of extra heads, but stopped using it.

The funny thing is, I didn't care if they called each other 'faggot' and 'gay' and 'lesbian'... I don't see those as 'dirty words'. My son hears cursing all the time in fact, not so much from me, but on TV shows and such. I'll blurt something out every so often, which he usually immediately copies, but I just redirect him to a different word.

I don't believe there's much point in 'sheltering' kids from stupid words that aren't THAT bad anyway, but for some reason, that particular word is so associated with hatred and ignorance for me, that I don't want my son to think it's an OK thing to say. Hell, he's only 2. He's not even AWARE of racial differences right now... and as far as I'm concerned, he never will be. I think that's one of the few things I would smack him in the chops for saying (not at this age, obviously, but if he were older).

As a kid I called one of my brothers that & got grounded, my parents looked upon it as a swear word...I had to have heard it from the television because there were no black people where I was born & raised...Not a one...I never saw a real live adult black person until I went to college, no shit.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I tend to think it depends on who's in earshot of said word and words like 'Faggot' should also be on the banned list, as you never know when MF is lingering nearby and your two year old might hurt his wittle feelings.....

Kind of funny you'd rather have your child make fun of homosexuals in lieu of urban assholes.

Any color person can be a Nigger........and there's plenty of them.

Just teach your child what words shouldn't be said and stick to it.

Ever have your mouth washed out with soap?

Borndragon ~ Not me........
[Image: borndragon.gif]
Borndragon Wrote:Kind of funny you'd rather have your child make fun of homosexuals in lieu of urban assholes.
Not 'make fun of', more like 'tease' maybe. I don't know. I've grown up around quite a few homosexual people and I don't think that 'gay' or 'lesbian' is a negative thing. It's just an alternative. 'Faggot' is derogatory, but I've fallen into using the word myself, in a 'teasing' way, with my gay friends. I suppose that can be easily compared to 'black' people calling themselves 'niggers', but it just seems to me that 'nigger' is more of a hate word. I probably should teach him not to say 'faggot' either (not that he does). It just sounds insulting in american usage.

Quote:Any color person can be a Nigger........and there's plenty of them.
You know, I've heard that argument plenty of times. It seems that it always comes from 'white' people though. I think it's just an excuse to use the word. How about a more descriptive word, like 'dumbfuck'? Smiley_emoticons_wink Hell, I would rather hear my kid say 'dumbfuck' than 'nigger' any day.

Quote:Just teach your child what words shouldn't be said and stick to it.
I'm trying. It's a work in progress.

Quote:Ever have your mouth washed out with soap?
Nope, but I had the shit slapped out of me for cursing like a sailor in front of my mom when I was 10 and a bee stung flew up and stung me on the chin. ::bigg::

It's always, "tease" if you're on the giving end, "making fun of" if you're on the receiving end.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:It's always, "tease" if you're on the giving end, "making fun of" if you're on the receiving end.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
I am a little surprised Syber. This comment is pretty bad parenting. Lesbian is not a bad word, but faggot is. "gay" could be construed as bad depending on how it is used and in certain contexts.

Quote:The funny thing is, I didn't care if they called each other 'faggot' and 'gay' and 'lesbian'... I don't see those as 'dirty words'. My son hears cursing all the time in fact, not so much
You should not encourage these words in ANY circumstances and I know we do not with my son. You said "I didn't care if they called...." - that is pretty telling about you and makes me seriously think that you might be a pretty bad parent.

I can only go by the posts you make, and clearly you are making poor judgments with your kids. Have a nice day.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:It's always, "tease" if you're on the giving end, "making fun of" if you're on the receiving end.
Not so much. Maybe I've just been around obnoxious gay people. Well, I KNOW I've been around obnoxious gay people. They've never been the least bit upset at being called 'FAG!' by me, any more than 'BITCH' or 'GIRL'. Of course, they've called me 'bitch, whore, cunt, fish...' the list goes on. It's pretty low class I guess.

We've all grown up a lot since then but I still have some pretty close friendships with some of those folks. Of course, one of them actually went back IN the closet... so he's off limits for being called anything like that.
Just like Chris Rock said... there are black people and there are niggers. My kids aren't stupid, they know an ignorant nigger when they see one just like everyone else. It's not being racist, it's just being observant. Same thing with gay people, there are gay people and there are flamboyant fags who feel the need to flaunt it in public as if proving something. Same thing with white people, there are white people and there is white trash.

There is a time, a place, and a context for all words and that's pretty much what I taught my kids early on. Using the word nigger doesn't make a person racist, judging a person by their color or looks and not their actions does.
Liquid Wrote:
Quote:The funny thing is, I didn't care if they called each other 'faggot' and 'gay' and 'lesbian'... I don't see those as 'dirty words'. My son hears cursing all the time in fact, not so much
You should not encourage these words in ANY circumstances and I know we do not with my son. You said "I didn't care if they called...." - that is pretty telling about you and makes me seriously think that you might be a pretty bad parent.
Oh bullshit. Now I just said that 'faggot' is probably something I should teach him is 'a bad word', I concede on that one, but 'gay' or 'lesbian'??? Come on. That's like saying 'straight' is a bad word. It's not an accusation, it's a sexual preference.

I would prefer to raise my son in such a way that if someone called him 'fag', he would reply something to effect 'well no, I'm not gay, but so what if I were?'. Of if he should happen to be gay, he shouldn't have to feel ashamed of it.

Quote:I can only go by the posts you make, and clearly you are making poor judgments with your kids. Have a nice day.
Well let's see. I'm teaching my kid to not be racist, sexist, violent, selfish or a bully. My judgment may not be the same as yours, but I don't think it's 'poor'. If you do, I really don't care.
[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:It's always, "tease" if you're on the giving end, "making fun of" if you're on the receiving end.
Not so much. Maybe I've just been around obnoxious gay people. Well, I KNOW I've been around obnoxious gay people. They've never been the least bit upset at being called 'FAG!' by me, any more than 'BITCH' or 'GIRL'. Of course, they've called me 'bitch, whore, cunt, fish...' the list goes on. It's pretty low class I guess.

We've all grown up a lot since then but I still have some pretty close friendships with some of those folks. Of course, one of them actually went back IN the closet... so he's off limits for being called anything like that.

I'd simply state, Don't allow others poor behavior to dictate you own.

[Image: racism.jpg]
[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:Now I just said that 'faggot' is probably something I should teach him is 'a bad word', I concede on that one,
So you agree that you a a bad parent. very nice.
I am sure child services will be visiting you soon.

SyberBitch ~ proving that even prejudice and racist people have children and raise them poorly
A fagot (proper spelling bitchs) is a bundle of sticks or iron bars. Or a cigarette if you're a limey. I guess they took the bunch of sticks and made it a bunch of dicks and added an extra g. Wow.
Liquid Wrote:[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:Now I just said that 'faggot' is probably something I should teach him is 'a bad word', I concede on that one,
So you agree that you a a bad parent. very nice.
I am sure child services will be visiting you soon.

SyberBitch ~ proving that even prejudice and racist people have children and raise them poorly
Liquid ~ proving that he is even more of an idiot than I first thought.
D ~ obviously promoting the teaching of children the word "fagot". nice, another great parent. no wonder most children are fucked up. racist, prejudiced parents everywhere.
Gay used to be, well, gay.

I can't say "Dang" or, "Yeah, Baby!!" without sounding like a douche either.
Liquid Wrote:[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:Now I just said that 'faggot' is probably something I should teach him is 'a bad word', I concede on that one,
So you agree that you a a bad parent. very nice.
I am sure child services will be visiting you soon.

SyberBitch ~ proving that even prejudice and racist people have children and raise them poorly
This is why I remind myself not to argue with idiots.

Where did I say I was a 'bad parent'?
If you had at least the reading comprehension of a third grader, you would see that I never said I was teaching my kid to say 'faggot'. I said it didn't bother me as much a 'the n word'. Hell, it's not even a word I've used in years, that I can remember. I don't think I've ever used it in front of him. I even said that after giving it a little thought, I should teach him that it's NOT a nice word. Not that I have to defend myself to you.

Quote:I am sure child services will be visiting you soon.
Yeah... I'm sure they will. ::rollseyes::

You know what's sad? Even if I were a racist idiot and taught my kid that it was hilarious for him to curse, CPS wouldn't give a rat's ass. Racism and foul language are not considered 'child abuse'. But hey, thanks for your valuable input.

The only thing I'm prejudiced against is stupidity and self-imposed ignorance. I'm afraid no one will ever change my mind on that one.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Gay used to be, well, gay.

I can't say "Dang" or, "Yeah, Baby!!" without sounding like a douche either.
How about 'dag-nabbit!'?
[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Gay used to be, well, gay.

I can't say "Dang" or, "Yeah, Baby!!" without sounding like a douche either.
How about 'dag-nabbit!'?

Doesn't work (well, unless you've got a Glock pointed at a suspect's face).
Oh yeah, teaching children the proper meaning of words is real bad. Moron. Or is that Mormon? You are, aren't you?