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former Penn. State Coach Sandusky charged in child sex case
One aspect of this case I've seen addressed a couple of times and quickly dropped is the family of Jerry Sandusky. What did they know? The facts about his wife and adopted children are few and far between on the web. I have found few facts about Jerry's wife, Dorothy (Dottie) Gross Sandusky. She was born in 1943, lived in Chattanooga TN and married Jerry in 1966. They have 6 adopted children; (ages at adoption uncorroborated) 3 adopted in infancy, 2 adopted either in pre-teen or teen years and one adopted as an 18 year old adult (corroborated). There are 5 boys and 1 girl ranging in age from 33 to 46. Jerry has given the reason for their adopting 6 children as "we couldn't have any of our own".

Jerry's nickname for Dottie is "Sarge" as she is in charge in their home. They have lived in their current home 13 years (uncorroborated). It has 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.

This is the total information I could find on the 'net about Sandusky's family. We have article after article about Joe Pa, McQueary, Penn State, Second Mile, contractors, janitors, Governors and ice cream flavors, but crumbs about the very person who may have known the entire time about the child abuse (allegedly) perpetrated by Jerry Sandusky.

If Dottie really did not know until the grand jury investigation, she is as much a victim of Jerry as anyone else (not in the sexual/physical aspect but in the emotional aspect) she has had her trust and loyalty betrayed for over 40 years. Her good name will be dragged through the mud along with Jerry's and her legacy will be one of shame.

If Dottie had suspicions, or actually knew about the (alleged) sexual abuse of children in her own home, this would be more than enabling Jerry's behavior. It would be aiding and abetting a child molester. Maybe a lawyer or LE on this board can answer this: If it could be proven that she knew, could she be charged as an accessory?

I have my theory on what she knew, when she knew it and why, but would like to throw this out for discussion. Disclaimer: My opinions are just that, opinions, not facts.

Messages In This Thread
RE: former Penn. State Coach charged in child sex case - by Cheyne - 11-18-2011, 11:58 PM