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former Penn. State Coach Sandusky charged in child sex case
McQueary is still in his coaching position, but I don't believe he will be for long. The following article about sums it up for me:

"So, when McQueary entered that locker room like he had so many times before, there is no doubt that what he came upon would bewilder, frighten, and possibly confuse anybody of right mind who stumbled upon it.

There can't possibly be anything that would prepare you to see something that egregious in the realm of humanity. On its base, I feel for McQueary for having to witness it. However, in comparison to how I feel for the unnamed, faceless ten year old boy that was treated to the business end of sodomy by a sadistic, purely evil, predator, McQueary was treated to ice cream that night. And that is why his cowardice in fleeing the situation is as high in culpability as the perpetration of the crime itself. Something in McQueary's head told him that running to his office to call his father to ask what to do was the prudent move. Something in his father's head thought the prudent thing to do would be to have his son leave the building and come over to the house to discuss it.

He is said to be a "leader." What a frighteningly sad reality it is when a community as large as Penn State's can so horrendously mischaracterize someone who's stature on the sidelines of every Penn State game is as evident as Joe Pa himself. A leader sternly and angrily screams into that shower to stop. A leader grabs the closest towel or blanket and scoops that boy up, running at break neck speed to the closest area hospital while feverishly dialing 911 on their cell phone. A leader might take a moment to knock out Jerry Sandusky with repeated blows so when the police arrive on scene, he'll still be there, right at the scene of the crime. A leader stands up. Leaders don't cower. Leaders don't run to daddy to ask for advice. Yeah, let's mull it over in front of the family fire place over cocoa while a ten year old endures a life-changing, earth-shattering assault. Lets look out for my own rear end by, in essence, protecting someone who in 2002, didn’t even work there anymore."

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RE: former Penn. State Coach charged in child sex case - by Cheyne - 11-11-2011, 01:24 AM