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The Jodi Arias Trial--Fatal Attraction – The Murder of Travis Alexander

Team Jodi -

Jodi. Always remember, you ARE awesome. Never let anyone tell you any different. No person or power in the outside world can compare to the power you have within you. You have a lot of supporters out here, and you are always in our prayers. Stay strong. Keep on believing, and keep the faith!

Jodi, I am behind you. Keep up the great work on the stand!

Youre just so wonderul and its terrible how so many coincidences just made it look like youre guilty. As long as you tell yourself you love god everything will be ok. I hope you are not put to death. And I hope your soul isn’t stained so that you can go fly in heaven.

I am 69 and can so well remember my days of “looking for Prince Charming”. Behind closed doors, a man can be so different. My heart fell for a few guys and I can relate to how feminine and pleasing you wanted to be. I wish I could have been your mentor as you were going thru your love with Travis.

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(03-08-2013, 04:17 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Team Jodi -

Jodi, I am behind you.


That's a line I wanted to work into a post!
(03-08-2013, 04:38 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(03-08-2013, 04:17 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Team Jodi -

Jodi, I am behind you.


That's a line I wanted to work into a post!

Haha!! You could always say something about the world being at her back.
Commando Cunt Queen
(03-08-2013, 04:38 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(03-08-2013, 04:17 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Team Jodi -

Jodi, I am behind you.


That's a line I wanted to work into a post!

Just a heads up so you don't waste your time.

If you were planning to post about the obvious connection between the Moonies and the Mormons and how the M religions explain what Jodi did, been done already. Some genius named Jennifer posted that gem back on February 19th.
And they say the good ones are taken!

From - Team Jodi:

I am a male, I understand and I have to admit the existence of some demonic, animalistic sex drive toward women, I weren’t raised properly by my parents and didn’t learn about the Faith I might have been like Travis — (and when I were in such animalistic stage I think my other-self would like to see it disappears).

You don’t deserve a small piece of the shameful “death” penalty, you should live and continue with your life

I hear teh banjo playing.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(03-08-2013, 04:59 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: And they say the good ones are taken!

From - Team Jodi:

I am a male, I understand and I have to admit the existence of some demonic, animalistic sex drive toward women, I weren’t raised properly by my parents and didn’t learn about the Faith I might have been like Travis — (and when I were in such animalistic stage I think my other-self would like to see it disappears).

You don’t deserve a small piece of the shameful “death” penalty, you should live and continue with your life

hah I'll say; it could get lost forever...
I've got to get out of silly mode. Just a couple more.

From the SUPPORT JODI tab:

-I showed my financial support for Casey and will do the same for JA!

-Martinez is playing Russian Roulette with her life! Hmmm, he's a tricky guy...
(03-08-2013, 05:42 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I've got to get out of silly mode. Just a couple more.

Support Jodi - Maytee Chapter

I enjoyed my finger playing softball and the arthritis didn’t say im for probably 9 months to a year later and that’s when it became a crooked not right after the injury so her finger may not have been cricket right after the injury so that would explain why it wasn’t in the photo but is now

enjoyed my finger

arthritis didn't say im

been cricket right after

all threw the years i could never forget your beautiful smile

so now in 2013 im evan more intreged on how your case is going

I could just fucking dye laughing! hah

And peoples comments about how you died your hair. Had you stayed a blonde either your roots would grow out making you look unkempt or if you continued to die your hair they would label you a princess
While I admit that I enjoyed my finger recently, it was just for a few minutes so it's not cricket or anything. I swear I didn't post that comment!

On a serious note, a lovely woman named Joyce makes a very sound argument in the "About Us" section:

Jodi haters exaggerated the suffering of his death; the whole fight took about one minute and the adrenaline was high for both of them. It is known that people might feel no pain for days with ruptured kidneys after auto accidents.

When you think about it, how bad could it REALLY be to get ambushed and be stabbed in the heart, the head, the torso and the back 27 times, have your throat cut ear to ear, and be shot in the face? Joyce is right, what Jodi did isn't THAT bad and Travis likely "passed away" peacefully. Free Jodi!
(03-08-2013, 06:46 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: On a serious note, a lovely woman named Joyce makes a very sound argument in the "About Us" section:

Besides her "exaggerated the suffering of his death" comment, this genius seems to believe an acquittal is appropriate as the killing was prompted by Travis inciting either rage or fear in rear . . . errr. . . dear Jodi:

"Jodi is obviously over charged by the very jealous state and I hope that the jury will give the same verdict as that of Anthony’s case.

I hope that at least one juror sees what I see in this case; Alexander never loved Jodi and abused her and Jodi killed him in rage or fear. It is consistent with the evidence so far that he chased Jodi to the bedroom screaming profanity or threat and Jodi picked the knife and stabbed him in rage or fear."

This bimbo ain't buying the whole self-defense argument, yet believes Jodi should be set free. Whatever Jodi did . . . Travis deserved it in spades.

"If I were the juror, at most I will give her the third degree and time served."

Yup. Opinion based on the evidence.

Now about that gun . . .
That's what scary. Just one Joyce the Genius on the jury; that's all it takes. Joyce must believe that the police shot Travis post-mortem to further frame poor Jodi, the Moonies brainwashed Jodi into thinking she'd done it and ditched the gun in the desert, and Jodi's stabbing fog is due to all of the mental and emotional abuse associated with the f-word, wooden spoons and consensual anal sex. Reasonable theory.

Joyce's pen pals:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTefkzvHzPglO-bB6RmWMp...GAPDiQMsCQ]
(03-03-2013, 06:57 AM)thekid65 Wrote:
(03-02-2013, 11:56 PM)Barbara Wrote: After looking at the police report and the awful autopsy report it was nice to find this blog Travis wrote and read it. Such a waste of a wonderful human.

The thing about the interwobble, is that you can present yourself to be much better than you really are.

Jodi Arias sounds like a decent person in her blog as well.

Thanks, I had not seen Jodi's blog. They are very well written. I did notice some of the dates her blogs were written were just a few weeks before she murdered Travis.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.Smiley_emoticons_wink

Those "Team Jodi" people are just too much Bullshit How can they not see that Jodi and Travis were simply "friends with benefits" near the end (no pun intended) of their relationship. Having sex with another, even if you wanted more from that person is no excuse to do what Jodi did. With all of the lies she is telling about Travis, she is mentally abusing Travis's families heart and soul....again.....I cannot wait to see what the Prosecution has in store for Jodi on Wednesday. She was so busted with those receipts and bank statements. Of course she has a few more days to come up with more lies...

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.Smiley_emoticons_wink

(03-08-2013, 06:46 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: While I admit that I enjoyed my finger recently, it was just for a few minutes so it's not cricket or anything. I swear I didn't post that comment!

On a serious note, a lovely woman named Joyce makes a very sound argument in the "About Us" section:

Jodi haters exaggerated the suffering of his death; the whole fight took about one minute and the adrenaline was high for both of them. It is known that people might feel no pain for days with ruptured kidneys after auto accidents.

I'd like to give this dimwit a nice, swift kick in the kidney. From experience, I can say without a doubt that kidney pain (of any kind) is immediate and excruciating. When I had kidney issues, the pain would cause me to nearly pass out. I also want to know where she is getting the 'whole fight took about one minute' idea from. Nothing like that was ever discussed by an expert in testimony, correct?
"My thing is this; if I'm sick enough to think it, then I'm sick enough to say it."

"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed."

I find it funny that one of the jurors asked Jody what her definition of skank was. Arias claimed Travis Alexander called her a skank among other derogatory names. I wonder if this question in a sense is the juror wittily saying my definition of skank is Jody Arias what is your definition?

I mean ABC states it quite clearly " Jodi Arias Trial's Focus Is Graphic Sex, Not Killing." The defense is trying to portray her as a victim of verbal abuse turned physical. However, she states in a phone conversation with travis how she likes him to be "debasing" to her.
(03-02-2013, 11:56 PM)Barbara Wrote:

(03-03-2013, 06:57 AM)thekid65 Wrote:

Thank you both for these links.

In the Police report, Jodi was described as a stalker.

I believe this type of behavior extended to the virtual world, too.

See Travis' entry on April 14, 2008 - Note the theme and especially the the quote from Marianne Williamson.

Now read Jodi's on April 29, 2008.

Cosmic coincidence?
(03-08-2013, 10:48 PM)DMP Wrote: I also want to know where she is getting the 'whole fight took about one minute' idea from. Nothing like that was ever discussed by an expert in testimony, correct?

She's a master of deductive reasoning, DMP. Smiley_emoticons_smile

Hard to follow such advanced logic as Joyce's, but if I had to guess, I think the genius is using the approximate difference between the time stamp from the last picture of Travis apparently unharmed (where Jodi got him vulnerably sitting cross-legged on the shower floor) and the accidental picture of Jodi dragging his body. However, I don't believe the one minute hypothesis has been posed by any experts. And, even if the whole fight (I say ambush) lasted one minute before Travis could no longer attempt to defend himself, it says nothing about the severity of pain inflicted upon him.

Of course, nobody knows if he was alive or dead when she was dragging him or how long Travis Alexander suffered before dying. But, there's no doubt that he suffered excruciatingly before bleeding out or being put out by the post-knifing shot to the head.
"It is dogmatism that needs to be eradicated. Those arrogant, stubborn, intolerant assertions of one's opinions onto others."

Martinez should take these words to heart . . . especially concerning the unsubstantiated assertion that Travis was a pedo.

In fact, I'd point-blank ask Anal Arias is she agreed with the quote!

After all, those were her posted words, one month before she killed Alexander.

Here's where I say this (link) . . .

". . . intolerant assertions of one's opinions onto others."

Tell that to the jury . . . bitch!
The pedo accusations make my blood boil too.

The fact that Arias threatened to blackmail the prosecution and Alexander's family by accusing Travis of being a pedophile if they didn't agree to a plea down to 2nd degree pissed me way off. Jodi wasn't bluffing. Bet she threatened to accuse Travis of pedophilia when he was alive too.

Arias never mentioned anything about pedophilia until she "confessed" in 2010, when she dropped the "ninjas did it" claim. At that time, she said that she saw pedophilic images on the computer. Of course, there were none there. Then, while acting as her own attorney, she tried to have letters from Travis alluding to pedophilia introduced into evidence. Those letter copies were thrown out because Jodi didn't have the originals; they were forgeries (most believe done by Matt McCartney, her ex who "would never betray" her). Now, her story is hard copy pictures of boys in underwear.

Martinez poked her about those previous false pedophile accusations several times during cross, without closing it out. I don't think the jury knows what he's been hinting at; I wouldn't if I had only trial testimony to go by like the jury. I keep wondering if he's going to call witnesses to testify about her previous false pedo allegations.