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Well, two of them, actually (three, if you count Casey Anthony).


Murderers: Charles Walker, Joseph Jenkins - Wanted (again)

The two men, Joseph Jenkins and Charles Walker, were serving life behind bars before separately walking out of the Carrabelle prison on September 27 and October 8, respectively.

Multiple reports indicate the men were able to leave because of forged court documents that reduced their sentence. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) didn’t realize a mistake had been made until this week on Tuesday, October 15.

"These two individuals are out. They shouldn't be, and we want to get them back in custody," Angelo Nieves, Orange County Sheriff’s Office spokesman, said to the Associated Press. "This shouldn't have happened, but it did, and our concern is to get these individuals into custody."

Right now, law enforcement officials are focused squarely on finding and detaining the two inmates as quickly as possible.

"We're working with other law enforcement partners on how this could have happened, but right now our primary focus is on the manhunt," FDLE spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said. "We are in the very early stages of the investigation to determine what happened."

According to the AP the forged papers were filed by the Orange County clerk of courts, which handles thousands of various documents every day. There’s currently no way to efficiently authenticate all the paperwork that flows between the clerk’s office and all the other agencies.

"We're kind of like the post office," Leesa Bainbridge, a spokeswoman for the clerk of courts, said. "It comes in and we move it along."

Jenkins was convicted of first-degree murder back in 1998 for shooting Orlando resident Roscue Pugh. Walker, meanwhile, was convicted of second-degree murder for shooting 23-year-old Cedric Slater in 1999.

Kinda miss the days when a prison break actually involved some major risk and working up a sweat. Not now; these two got escorted right out the doors.

Betting that this little snafu and the investigation will uncover a slew of other similar cases that went undetected.
(10-18-2013, 10:12 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Betting that this little snafu and the investigation will uncover a slew of other similar cases that went undetected.

I'm bettin' you're right. They'll be investigating that for probably a long time to come. God only knows how long it's been going on.

They must have been overjoyed to be escorted OUT of the slammer.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(10-18-2013, 01:54 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(10-18-2013, 10:12 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Betting that this little snafu and the investigation will uncover a slew of other similar cases that went undetected.

They must have been overjoyed to be escorted OUT of the slammer.

You know they had to have had the most outrageous mental party the second they passed those external gates. Musta been hard not to jump for joy right in front of the guards. Jesus Christ.

I've never been on a flight with internet before. I'm on Virgin America right now, drinking, listening to news, and posting. Weird - in a good way. Anyway, CNN was just covering this story - a $5k reward has been issued.

The CNN anchor said that authorities are confident both men are still in the Orlando area. I think that's probably bullshit. I bet authorities have no idea where these killers are right now.

If the killers are smart and/or connected enough to snake their way out of life sentences, why assume they'd be so dumb as to stay local like sitting ducks? Personally, I bet they moved fast and far.

Both Walker and Jenkins are 34 years old. It's not clear yet if they knew each other and whether this was one scam for two prisoners, or two unrelated scams.

This is a huge deal. Two convicted murderers serving life sentences fooled the system and escaped, without breaking a sweat - and no one was the wiser for weeks. Effin' unbelievable.
(10-18-2013, 07:47 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I'm on Virgin America right now, drinking, listening to news, and posting.

That is fricken cool. You have got to post in the check in thread. hah

I don't think they are in the area either. They know the coup they pulled off & they are out of there. I think they probably went their separate ways as well.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I'm thinking they are so cool about it because it may not have been the first time it has happened and they knew it would work.Another tried something similar a day before.I am kind of suspecting that it was done before,never found out,kept a VERY close secret to an extreme few and these guys were one of those few.
I am very concerned of whatever spree they may decide to embark upon.With their mindset,I can imagine all sorts of terrible scenerios.
that is nuts.

stupid fucking admins.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

[Image: Naughty_Grandma_by_Momma__G.gif]
Thanks for the link, OTD. Glad to see they were captured.

The article answered a couple of questions.

Jenkins killed a man 15 years ago; it was his victim's family that notified police that Jenkins had been released. Good for them. If they hadn't, these murderers could have been free and moving for a long time.

They hadn't raised any suspicion - they registered as felons as required, visited their families, and got out of Orlando. On paper, they were simply released early and no eyebrows were raised.

Very curious to see where the investigation leads. Was it someone in the Department of Corrections or the Orlando County Clerk's office offering up forged early release documents and advising these guys? Are there other convicts out free on the same scam?

For now, at least the process has been changed to prevent another early release scam from being carried out. Department of Corrections will verify with the judge instead of the clerks before convicts are escorted out the prison doors. Seems like an easy and effective fix (unless there's a dirty judge in the mix).
CNN is reporting this morning that the forged release documents for Jenkins and Walker bore the signatures of Jeff Ashton and Judge Belvin Perry.

Their signatures are easy to find on-line because of all the doc releases for the Casey Anthony case.

According to the report, a friend was en-route from Atlanta to pick up the convicts at the motel in Panama City and give them a ride (next destination not yet known). One of the men's acquaintances called LE and tipped them off as to where they were staying. The men were unarmed when they were apprehended.

Both killers were doing life sentences without the possibility of parole. The fact that they would never even qualify for release makes claims by the Department of Corrections that there was no way this could have been avoided under the process in place seem like stupid CYA, to me.

Walker and Jenkins are claiming they didn't know anything about the scam and just thought they'd been legitimately released. Hard to believe.
LE has reportedly identified suspected accomplices and are building a case against those who assisted with the forged release documents; touch DNA testing is being used to gather evidence.

It's been confirmed that inmates have attempted the forgery scam at least 7 times in Orlando. Prior to Walker and Jenkins, one of those inmates also succeeded in getting an early release the same way (he was caught a day later).

LE believes that the inmates may have paid thousands of dollars for the docs.

So curious where the trail will lead. I have a feeling it's going to be someone in the County Clerk's Office, but there are a lot of possibilities.

Walker and Jenkins are refusing to answer questions.
Probably some douchbag in the clerk of courts office. Will be more that one head to roll.
Fucking Florida
(10-22-2013, 01:12 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Probably some douchbag in the clerk of courts office. Will be more that one head to roll.
Fucking Florida

So far, investigators have confirmed that there was a group of inmates working together from the prison to pull off the scam.

One of them had already pulled the scam sometime back and got caught a day later; he taught the others how to do it and was then transferred.

Investigators say they had help on the outside and that there is a short suspect list, but declined to give more details.

As a result of this debacle, Florida judges now have to personally verify their signatures on release documents before inmates can be released.

Additionally, the state of Florida is reviewing the contents and accessibility of library and electronic materials made available to inmates.
[Image: 140103023241-jason-carter-escaped-inmate-story-top.jpg]
Jason Mark Carter, 39, has escaped from a mental health facility in Columbia, South Carolina; 5-foot-10, 165 pounds with hazel eyes and brown hair.

In March 2006, deputies went for a welfare check at a home in Seneca and found the bodies of Kevin and Debra Ann Perkins in a room in the basement.

James Mason Carter was in the room with the victims, who were wrapped in plastic bags.During his trial, his attorney said Carter had no recollection of the crime.

Carter was committed to a Columbia, South Carolina mental health facility after he was found incompetent to stand trial for the murders.

He worked at the supply office of the hospital campus and may be traveling in a stolen 1991 White Chevy van.

It's unclear whether he left the facility with his medication.

Authorities urged the public to report any sightings of Carter and approach him with "extreme caution."


The guy killed two people; why in the hell was he not monitored?

I wanna know if he was malingering or if he truly didn't recall killing his parents, but only Carter knows the answer to that. Either way, he's on the loose, who knows where, possibly without medication. What a snafu. Hope he's found soon.

Michael Myers.

It's unclear whether he left the facility with his medication. hah

I don't find it humorous that there is a psycho killer on the loose but something about that statement set me off.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(01-03-2014, 11:09 AM)Duchess Wrote: It's unclear whether he left the facility with his medication. hah

I don't find it humorous that there is a psycho killer on the loose but something about that statement set me off.

You are effin' warped. Love3

Ah well, it's okay to laugh about it, Duchess.

[Image: michael-myers-outside-window.jpg?v=1]
Just move away from the window when you do!!

Ha! That film scared the crap outta me. Salem's Lot too.

I think I laughed because here is a maniac on the loose yet they wondered if he took his meds with him. Does that mean he has access to his medication? If so, I'm going to laugh about that too!
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I agree Duchess. I'm pretty sure he didn't put medication on his packing list and check it off when he left.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
(01-03-2014, 11:43 AM)Duchess Wrote: I think I laughed because here is a maniac on the loose yet they wondered if he took his meds with him. Does that mean he has access to his medication? If so, I'm going to laugh about that too!

Not a lot of details on his escape have been released; I think that could just as well be because of how it reflects on authorities in charge of his "confinement" as because those details aren't known.

He "worked" in the supply room. I don't know if that would include meds or not. But, surely, he didn't have authorized access to a white van (I hope not anyway) and he got his hands on one of those and is now presumably tooling around in it.

IDK. I think if Carter could steal a van and an opportunity to exit the premises without detection, he could get his hands on meds, IMO. If so, I hope he took a shitload with him, for the public's sake.

Or, maybe he's "cured" already and there's no real reason to worry - you know, like John Hinckley, Jr.? Smiley_emoticons_wink
(01-03-2014, 11:43 AM)ramseycat Wrote: I agree Duchess. I'm pretty sure he didn't put medication on his packing list and check it off when he left.

He mighta had help on the inside and/or been planning this for quite some time and been stashing meds.

If he was truly mentally ill but stabilized with meds when he hatched his plan and sauntered off, meds coulda been at the top of that checklist.

So, where'd he go? Mom and dad's house is probably out of the question. Or, is it? That's the first place I'd check, but then I do love the classic horror movies.
(01-03-2014, 11:53 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Not a lot of details on his escape have been released; I think that could just as well be because of how it reflects on authorities in charge of his "confinement" as because those details aren't known.

He "worked" in the supply room. I don't know if that would include meds or not. But, surely, he didn't have authorized access to a white van (I hope not anyway) and he got his hands on one of those and is now presumably tooling around in it.

IDK. I think if Carter could steal a van and an opportunity to exit the premises without detection, he could get his hands on meds, IMO. If so, I hope he took a shitload with him, for the public's sake.

Or, maybe he's "cured" already and there's no real reason to worry - you know, like John Hinckley, Jr.? Smiley_emoticons_wink

You're always the voice of reason when I'm usually moved to make a fucked up response. hah

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]